*Mhm Not Your Type.

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Chloe huffed as she makes her way back to the cabin. Once she enter the cabin, all eyes were on her. Aubrey stood there with a smug smile while Jesse just stare at her with an questionable expression. Meanwhile Beca is smiling like an idiot.... Kinda cute smile.

"Okay, why are you all staring at me like that?"Chloe ask.

Aubrey was the first to speak,"Why, we're just so happy because we're going to the home of the those two."She tilts her head towards the siblings.

Chloe couldn't help but grin because she's going to find out where the vampire hunter lives. This was easier than she thought. Show that you're excited-(not because you'll find the vampire's hunter head quarters)

She happily walk over to Beca, wrapping her arms around her waist."That great!"She gives a peck on her cheek,"I can't wait to see your room- Especially your bed."She whisper. Seductive check. Beca blush madly unable to feel a slight shiver down her spine.

"Should we head out?" With that said, the young adults begin to head out.


Jesse watch his sister and her oddly new girlfriend actions. He mostly paid attention to Chloe's actions. He sees her make very flirtatious actions; hand touching and winking faces. He doesn't understand how could Beca survive this? But what's more important is why does Beca not know that her new girlfriend is a vampire!?

A lot of questions but no answers. He needs to get answers from the vampire herself.

"Are you all right?"he snap his head at Aubre. The train of thought disappear once her hand made contact to his shoulder. For a moment, the two stare at each other before quickly looking away.

Jesse rub the back of neck, smiling softly."Yeah,"He replies,"Just lost in my thoughts." Aubrey nod her head, leaving them in silence for the rest of the walk...


Once arriving to the village, Beca was tackled by a young boy who is punching her yet hugging her at the same time.

"Where the heck you been?!"He cries punching the brunette once again. Beca chuckle; unaffected with the small punches.

She ruffles his hair."Sorry bud-"

"/Don't you 'bud me', Beca! I thought you and Jesse were dead!"

"Sorry Jeff. Jesse and I spend the night in this Cabin."

"What cabin?"Jeffery was always the curious boy. Beca points at the two young women."Hey isn't that woman the one you saved from being drowned?"

Chloe wrap her arms around the waists of the vampire hunter."Yes this cutie saved my life."Chloe replies. Beca stood still, blushing madly. This woman has this strange effect on her, making her weak from her knees. For Beca, this feels like the work of magic.

"Uh-Jeffery this is Chloe Beale,"Pause."My girlfriend."

Jeffery smirk and with an eyebrow lift he says,"Mhm not your type."

This cause Beca to blush a little more."Shut up."She mumbles, blushing more which result in Chloe to giggle. Damn butterflies begin to swarm in Beca's stomach. She curse this woman for giving her such strange effects.

"Anyway, Dad is worry sick about you two, so shall we go?"Jeffery leads the way and the others follow.. Beca walks nervously- she hopes her father likes Chloe then again, what's not to like about her?

I am truly sorry that I did not update on Friday- I was not able to update on Friday and I am truly sorry! To make it up, here's a chapter! Btw I did not reread this chapter so there may be few mistakes!

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now