The Beginning of Happily Ever After

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Adrenaline pumped through my veins. Anger filled my soul- The memory of father being murdered by the wrenched mistress. It left me seeing red soon others will see red, red of the blood of the mistress. I pointed at her, making a slit throat motion. She seemed uninterested. She snapped her finger and the vampire dudes holding my friends ran towards me.

With one swift move, I rip their throats out. Their blood stream out their necks. Gurgling for air, drowning in their own blood. My friends attempt to stand up but there chain down against the floor. Chained like animals...  I wipe my mouth and growl at the mistress. She growled back- I swiftly hop on the throne and held a grip on her throat. She kick me off and I landed on the floor with a loud thud. I got up easily and return to attack the mistress. We both ran at each other with great speed. She easily dodged my punches but didn't except my kick, knocking her ass to the ground. I reach in my coat to pull out a weapon, but they're all gone."Beca!"I turn my attention to Jesse, he pointed near the throne- where my crossbow lay. I swiftly ran, sliding on my knees to grab hold of it. I turn and took a shot but the mistress ducked in time. I try another shot but she push the crossbow up and the arrow flew up. Apparently, the bow forcefully broke a large piece of rock causing it to fall. I instantly jump out the way. Unfortunately, the mistress also did.

Quickly getting on my feet- ducking the flying blade. I caught a blade in mid air, throwing it back- she grab hold of it and unexpectedly she threw two knives. I was not prepare for two I duck enough to not get my head stab but the second knife plunge in my shoulder. The speed of the knife knock me down. I fell down in pain, dear god my shoulder! The mistress ran towards me with a blade in her hand. The sound of chains breaking out echo throughout the cave- it happen in a flash. All I see was the love of my life standing in front of me. Standing in front of me before falling behind my arms."N-No!"I shouted, tears whelming."I-I can't lose you." I can't lose anymore people. I already lost my father and little brother- I can't afford to lose anyone else. Especially the love of my life. My universe, my sun, my... Queen.
Her hands release the blade that's stuck out of her chest. She gave a smile, placing her hand on my cheek.
"I-I... Love you, Beca."Her eyes flutter before closing shut. Tears fell on her as I wept over her. Taking a few breath- I lay her on my coat. Standing up, I glare at the mistress. Anger and pure hatred flowed through my veins."You had to take everything I love, huh?"I question her. She open her mouth to speak idiotic things-"No- shut the fuck up! I do not want to hear you talk. In fact, I do not want to hear you breath." The mistress smirked as if I'm not a threat.
"Before any of that, I must say, tis a shame she had to die. She was really great in be-" I tackle her on the ground. My cold hands on her throat, gripping, not allowing her to breath.
I see she's want to kick me so I threw her to the wall. She slide down and kick her back down. She cough blood before I kick her chest."Help!"She let out a wheezing scream. I place her down on her knee. The blades tip on her throat."P-Please let me go. I am sorry! Please show mercy."She plead, so pathetic.

"I would show you mercy because that a nice thing to do,"I whisper in her ear."But unfortunately, for you. I'm not nice." My sharp fangs rip off her throat. The cold blood of the mistress felt good on my skin. As the crimson liquid flowed, gold light slowly surrounded me. I felt more powerful- I knew I have the title of ruler. There was hush whispers. My attention turn to the many vampires whispering in shock."The mistress is dead?"I can hear."Who is that?"
I ignore all their question. For I do not care because the love of my life is dead. I sat next to my lover- She no longer is fill with life. The light that once surround her is gone. A single tear fell on her forehead. I lay a soft kiss on her forehead. A kiss fill with all my love and care. A gold light surround Chloe- No! I seen this in the flashback they're gonna take her away. But they didn't....
The gold light to surround her before entering through her arms. Glow light flowed through her veins, seeing it flow until it reach her heart.

A loud gasp came out of Chloe's mouth. My mouth gap as those familiar crystal blue eyes I fell in love with opened."Beca?"She spoke and my heart leapt out of my chest."What happen?" There was more murmurs from the vampires.
"Holy shit! You're alive!"I pressed my lips on Chloe's feeling the warm familiar lips. She pushed me off-  she pointed to the knife that's still sticking out her."Alright that is hurting my boob real bad."I let out a laugh. Pressing my lips against hers once again.
When we pull away, she pulled out the knife and a gold light covered the wound. I was amazed by this! Like holy shit! I think I bought my love back to life.

"That's impossible,"A male vampire shouted."The only vampire I knew that could have done that was-"
"-King Mitchell.. But that means she's the kings daughter." Another said.
"But I thought she was human?"
I stood up, holding Chloe's hand.
Everyone's attention was on me. I gulp nervous letting out a breath.
"It is indeed true. Ruler Mitchell was my father. He was murder by your former ruler, who will no longer rule or breath ever again. I am here to take back the Mitchell's title- if you do not agree or dislike the idea of me ruling, get the hell out of here."It was silent before everyone bow down to me. Holy crap? Okay no.

"Alright it seems like you guys agree but please do not bow down and treat me like some God- Just respect me and my-"I paused and glance at my lover,"and my queen." Everyone seem to agree and walk out the throne room to tell everyone in the kingdom that there is another ruler.

Lips pressed on my cheeks, making me like a dork."Your Queen huh?"
"Girlfriend didn't sound right. Beside, I really love you and I want to spend my internal life ruling with you by my side."Chloe open her mouth but was cut off by Stacie.
"That was sweet and all but can you maybe untie us? These chains hurts my wrists." Oh yeah... I forgot they're still tied.... I chuckle, walking towards them....

So wow... Who would of thought I, Beca Mitchell the vampire hunter, would be ruler of the vampire kingdom...

                       The End?

Well that's the ending guys! I hope you liked this story! Thank you all for reading this crappy story! Thank you and bye!

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