*What Is Your Name?

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The sound of her mother scream awoke her. The small girl sat up her bed, heavy breathing."Mommy."The small girl cried out, but no answer. She stood up from her bed and slowly walk through her wooden floors. She stop in front of her close wooden door. Breath short and fast. Sounds of Shuffling could be heard."Mommy." She cried out again, yet no answer. She slowly turn her door knob and slowly open the door, holding her breath as the door slowly creak open.

The house candles were off, leaving the girl in darkness. The moonlight shine through the open window, allowing the small brunette girl to see. "Mommy."
She whimper because a eight year old girl such as herself fear the dark. She walk past the dinning room and enter the living room. Heart stopping, her steel eyes widen, her mother, dead. She lay still and dead. The small girl ran towards her mother's dead body, examining her body. The girl's mother appear pale as if her color was drain. The small girl's steel blue eyes stop on her mother's neck... Two holes. It seems like something bit her... Her eyes fell on her mother's hand, which held a wooden stake.  So her mother was prepare to kill.

The small girl heard footsteps behind her, she stood still not moving, not sure if she should. Whatever is behind her growled."Well, well, what we got here."A female voice spoke so calm yet chilling."Turn around child so we can see you." The small girl had no choice but to listen. She turn around and see two women, perfectly smooth looking skin. Their wavy black hairs fall perfectly down to their shoulders. Their eyes, their eyes such a beautiful crimson color. The small girl eyes trail down to their mouth. Fangs long as wolves, fangs filled with dripping blood. They killed her mother.

"Why did you kill my mommy!"The small girl bravely shouted. The two women grin at this. One of women with red lips took a step closer, but the small girl took a step back.

"Oh child it's very complicated. Now quit shouting." The woman with red lips spoke, her voice so calm yet chilling.

"No! You killed my mommy!"She shouted again. The woman with red lips growled while the other hissed. Steel blue eyes glared into Crimson eyes. The small girl notice how those Crimson eyes moves like liquid. The eyes of the woman glow brighter. The small girl began to feel lightheaded and couldn't look away from those glowing red eyes. She can't move, she can't breath, she can't do anything as if she's in a trance.

As she stood staring into those eyes, the two women took closer steps.

'Look away! Look away!' A voice in her head shouted loudly breaking her away from the eyes. She shook her head- in this moment the women with red lips lunge forward. But the small girl swiftly lift the wooden stake as the women lunge forward the stake impale her heart. The woman let out an loud shriek. The smaller girl push the stake deeper into the woman's heart. With a cough of blood which spatter on the young girl's face, she fell dead. The smaller girl look to the other woman, she let out a growl."Big mistake little girl." Suddenly the front door slammed open and people with torches and pitchforks enter the home.

"Vampires!"A man shouted pointing his torch towards the woman.
The woman hissed before she swiftly jumped out of the window."Hurry follow that vampire!" The man shouted and many men ran out to follow the woman. The small girl stood in confusion. The man eyes glance at the girl and the... Dead vampire.
"Little girl you killed this vampire?"He pointed to the woman with the stake in her heart. The small girl look at her bloody hand then back to the man. She nod silently."Why that is impressive for a young girl. Why it's impressive because no one could ever kill a vampire. We try cutting the heads, but it never work. May I asked how?"The small girl pointed to the wooden stake.

"I stab her chest with a wooden stake."The man examine the dead woman. He rub his chin, he nod and turn to the small girl."What is your name little girl?"

"Beca Mitchell." 

"Well Beca Mitchell, I have to say you are one special girl."

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now