Anything For You Aubs

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Jesse woke up gasping when a icy snow pierce his skin. He shook his head and attempt to get up but apparently he's tied down to a tree he's leaning on.
This strange feeling seem to stream throughout his body, causing this sickness in his stomach, his surroundings seem to blur. Suddenly, he sees his father and brother before the flames appear. The screams of his brother and father echo in his head. Then the scorching sound of their arms lifting and painfully they pointed at Jesse.

"This is your fault!"His little brother hissed at him. Tears streamed down his eyes as he repeatedly shook his head.
"We're dead because of you!"Jesse's father shouted. Due to his sobbing, he did not hear the sound of footsteps.

"Quit blubbering like a child."Jesse look up to see green eyes staring at him. Those damn green eyes he had once fell into a trance.
"It's you!"He shouted,"The one who put me into a trance!" Sighing, she rolled her eyes."Yeah, so what?"
"What? You're going to finish the job."
"Sadly. No."
"Why is everything so blurry?"He asked drowsily. Stacie took a few steps closer to the young man. While looking down at her red nails, she replied."Well, it can be your body reacting to the new substances of yourself." New substance of what?
"What do you mean?"He question.
"How do you think you're here?" Jesse looked puzzled. Stacie groan, mumbling 'stupid'."I took your dead body and gave you my blood bringing you back alive- well not alive but back."
"Wait am I-"
"Yes! You're a vampire now." Jesse couldn't believe what he's hearing!
He's a vampire? No. More importantly why did she turn him into a vampire.

"Why did you do it?"
"Because I know about Aubrey and you,"She made an disgust gag."And even though I find it incredible disgusting that she loves you. You make her happy,"Stacie closed her eyes and exhale."And if she's happy then I'm happy."
"Thank you,"He said."I owe you."
Stacie shook her head,"You don't owe me nothing- think of this as an 'I'm sorry I tried to drain your blood.'"She smirked.
Jesse chuckle."Alright, I'll accept that gif-"His stomach growled loudly.
"Hungry I'm guessing."He nodded and Stacie toss a large dead hare. Jesse growled and rip off the rope. Immediately tearing the hare apart.

Licking his bloody fingers, he stood next to Stacie."Can I see Aubrey?" He asked for he really want to see his first love."She shall be here in; Three, two, one."
"Stacie is he really her-" She stop, noticing the young man. She hesitantly took few steps before wrapping her arms around the young man.
"You're alive!"She cried out. Jesse pulled back, chuckling.
"Well about that."He laugh nervously.
Stacie decide to step in.
"Your boy toy is now your Vamp tramp."She wittily replied.
Aubrey look back at Jesse- examining him. Nothing change expect his skin is much paler then before and his eyes are a light shade of blue representing what class he is. Light shade of blue like green eyes represents the second class of the kingdom. Which is odd.
She turn back to Stacie who had the most unimpressed expression. Aubrey instantly wrap her arms around Stacie giving her a huge hug. Stacie at first was caught off guard before she hug her back."Thank you."Aubrey whisper.
"Anything for you aubs."Stacie whisper back...

Like I said I never kill of main protagonists. Beside, what kind of person would I be to kill of Jesse? Killing him off would be like killing a puppy! Anyway Jesse a Vampire hella rad huh! Anyway comment on your thoughts of this chapter!

Happy Halloween!

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now