*How Do They Know Each Other?

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Running, faster, and faster. Breath hitch, breathing slow, breathing slow. She's running. All I see is her Sprinting through the woods as they follow behind. Who they are is what I don't know, but I know it isn't good. Sound of growls and snarls filled her ears and my also. Her red locks of hair in her face when she turns around. She turns around and smack into a low branch, falling back. Her back touching the cold snow. The growls grew closer. Unable to see clear all she sees is the burry shadows of those creatures above her. I want to run and help her- but I can't.... It's as if I'm not physically there. Maybe mentally but defiantly not physically. All I can do is watch as She whimper when their growls grew louder. They're above her, eyes filled with hunger... What are these creatures? One snarled before lunging towards-

I woke up gasping for air, I turn around to see Chloe also awake and breathless. What the fuck did I dream?

"Are you okay?"I ask in a hush voice. She inhale and exhale, turning to me.

"I-I just had a nightmare about the woods and a redhead little girl-"

"-Running from something."I finish her sentence. She stare at me strangely. She nod her head- I notice she swallow the lump in her throat.

she open her mouth,"How did you know?"

I shrug and rub my sleeping eyes."I dreamt it. I saw everything. I couldn't do anything, Chloe. Poor little girl. I try to do something, but I couldn't. All I could do is watch..." She stare intently in my eyes. God those blue eyes, such eyes. Eyes I feel as I saw them. They shimmer in the dark night. The moon reflecting her eyes, casting a light for me to see.

"Can you hold me?" She crawl towards me on the wooden floor. She pressed against me and I wrap my arms around her. She place her head on my chest, probably listening to my heart pounding against my chest.

It's odd how a woman I just met not to long ago can make my heart pound loudly. It's as if she put some sort of spell on me...


The next morning, I awoke to blue eyes staring at me. I wouldn't mind waking up to those blue every morning- dude what the fuck? You just met this woman and already rushed in a relationship- there's no need to rush even more...

"Good morning."I smile. She continue to stare at me, eyes showing this unreadable expression. "What's wrong?" She doesn't answer right away- she bite her lip and slide closer to me .

"There's something about you. I don't know what it is, but something about you is unique."

"Do you like unique?" She scoot closer to me, her warm breath against my lip.

"Indeed I do. In fact, unique is very attractive and," She pauses,"Sexy." Holy shit! My heart is beating fast and I'm feeling very tingly in my stomach. What the hell is this woman doing to me? No one has ever made me feel this way- no one. But why her?

Next thing I know, Chloe's nice, warm lips are against my own. We're both fighting for dominance, which I end up gaining.
I feel her hands in my arm and slowly lowering down my wais-

"Beca?" I shot up and face the doorway to the room. Standing there confuse is Jesse! I swiftly got up and run towards him.

I wrap my arms around him,"You're okay dude."

He pulled away and held my shoulders."I'm okay."I then punch him in the arm,"Ouch! Bec!"

"That's for making me worry about you!"Rubbing his arm; he smirk.

"Are you sure you were worried? Because what I just saw didn't look anywhere near worried." I punch his arm again; harder than the one before. Chloe giggle causing my heart to leap. She walk our way and wrap her arms around my waist, placing her chin on my shoulder.

"Wait a minute."Jesse made this weird expression as if he was thinking,"Aren't you the gal at town square, the one Beca saved?"

Oh god, please don't answer it! Please don't answer- she unwrap her arms around my waist, kinda miss those arms already. Ugh Beca you're so ugh! She shook hands with my brother, and with a smile she introduce herself.

"Why yes I am. My name is Chloe Beale." My brother look at me with a smirk.

"Name is J-"The front door open and shut. Jesse's eyes widen at the person at the door."Aubrey."The way he said her name it's as if he been calling her name for years. The ring to it is familiar.

"Jesse." It's complete silence in the cabin. While my brother and Chloe's friend stare at each other with serious expression. I couldn't help but think 'how do they know each other?'

A chapter because I want to and I could xD On Friday I'll post a chapter which will be the backstory of Aubrey and Jesse! Yasss! Anyway, Please do comment and tell me what you think about the story. Please do, I like reading comments from readers! Thanks you and Bye!

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon