Walk to Our Death

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Since I am the bait I enter the secret gates that leads to mistress bedroom. The stupid bitch showed me so I could visit her any night. I sigh, shaking my head, clearing off the awful memory of those nights. The secret gates opens when I did the secret knock. Turning around the tunnel seem to darken. I swiftly enter and was hit with familiarity and disgusting warmth. Mistress room was dark with crimson carpet. The scent of her is in here. I was push up against the wall, her golden eyes flared in anger."What the fuck are you doing here?"Her voice strong and angry. I gulp, preparing myself before I forcefully pressed my lips. Her hands tangle in my hair as her tongue enter my mouth. She aggressively took over my body, no where gently like Beca. She growled, throwing me on the bed. She instantly jumped on me, continuing to take over me. The golden eyes were shut and I glance over the dark shadows to see Beca standing there. The anger on her face showed what exactly she wanted to do. She grip her wooden stake and slowly creak over us.

The mistress pulled away and Beca paused."How stupid do you think I am?"She question before she swiftly turn around and grip Beca by her throat. She lift her higher, her feet an inch away from the floor. The mistress turn to me, golden eyes flaring red.
"You could have had everything you wanted but you chose to be with her. Now you will die with her."Beca kicked, trying to reach the floor. She made short gasping of air. The sudden flashes of Beca as an infant brought tears to my eyes, my hands turn to fist and I growled,"Put her down!"I jumped towards the mistress and she fell to the floor. Beca breath rapidly and shortly- but the sound of the mistress choking was filling the air. The door slam open catching my attention giving the mistress the advantage to throw me against the wall. Beca ran towards me as two men walk in- their eyes bloodshot red. But what bother us is the people they have. Aubrey, Stacie, and Jesse were tied together like game they just hunted. They had many scratches and bruises but Jesse was badly hurt. Jesse.... My heart seem to deflate by how badly injured he his. The young man's right eyes is close shut due to swelling, he's bleeding from his lip and three long scratch across his chest.

"Apparently we have traitors."One of the men spoke. Their eyes look at us then back to the mistress who is now standing."Ah yes! They prefer to help the vampire hunter rather than their own kind." Beca looked at me then back to the mistress.
"Leave them all alone,"The mistress looked at Beca."You want me and only me- so kill me and let my friends go!"The mistress slowly walk towards her, every step was slow and filled me with anxiety. She lay her long nails under the neck of my love.
"I would take that offer if I was nice..."She grin madly, leaning towards Beca's ear."But, unfortunately, I'm not nice."She brought her sharp teeth on the soft skin and rip her throat out.
We all shouted- my heart crashed down and tears came falling down like a waterfall. Beca looked at me before falling down on her stomach, gurgling as her blood matches the Crimson floor. My whole body shut down and all I can feel is pain, pain for the loss of my lover. I once again jump towards the mistress but she caught me by my neck.
Tossing me to the wall, all air squeezed out of me."Even when she's dead you'll still help her kill me? Pathetic!"

"You son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you!"Jesse shouted voice filled with anger. I never seen such anger from him. The tears that slide down his cheek vapored due to the flaming anger."Your blood will spill! You will fucking die! You son of a bitch! You killed my fucking sister..."His head fell, sobbing as the men grips tighten around him. The mistress snap her finger,"We're going to hang the vampire hunter and use her as decor for the kingdom." This evil bitch! I try getting up but my body it hurts. Dear God my heart fucking hurts! She killed her! She's dead- gone! I loved her.......

The man grab Beca's foot, dragging her dead body. The other man drag my friends with the rope and the mistress stood me up, making me walk with them.... a Walk to our death

May Beca rest in peace.....

Well readers, one more chapter and the story is done! Comment your thoughts on this chapter!

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