"Get The Hell Away From me!"

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The full moon brought light to the man, who is sprinting his way out the woods. In his arms, he holds a baby girl, bundle in white cloth. He understand that running away from that place is a show of cowardliness, but for god sakes! He has a baby girl now. He can't risk his own child for the title. Sadly, no longer will he have the title- and honestly he does not give a damn. His baby girl is much more important than the title.

As the man continue to sprint. A flash of red ran past him, causing him to trip and fall, dropping the baby. The cries of the baby filled the silence of the woods. The man heard a hiss and look up, screaming,"Don't touch her!"


I woke up startled by the awful dream. My head pounded. I held it in pain,"Fuck. it hurts." My head pound as if someone hit me with a roc- then slowly then at once the memories came back to me. No longer was I in pain but I was fucking piss off. I look around my surroundings, pausing at the redhead woman standing there. Anger filled me, before I had knew what was going on, I had Chloe pin to the ground. My hands reaching out to strangle her.

"Enough!"She shouted, pushing me off and pining me to the ground. I struggle to get her off me but I can't- she's too strong! I lay my hands in defeat, she knew and unpinned me.
"Take me back to the village."I demanded. She looked uneasy, looking anywhere but me. I demanded again, raising my voice."You won't like what you see..." She whisper. What does she mean I wouldn't like it?

I immediately rushed out the door towards the village; Chloe following.


What I had to say about this.... It's horrible. I was sick to my stomach, and the smell of burning flesh and wood wasn't pleasant. My boots step on ashes, ashes of people and wood.
Dear god! The children! Why would anyone be so damn cruel. My eyes widen, My family! I rushed through the what use to be the village square and towards my hom- I stop immediately...

N-No.... It can't be..... No! Fuck no! Please no! Please no! Hot tears stream their way down. My home, it's burn down to the ground. I rush towards what's left of my home, searching for any sign of my family. I heard a crack under my foot, lifting it up. Through the burn wood- a family photograph lay, broken. I bend down to grab it and stare intently at the photo.

It was all four of us- Dad, Jess, Jeff, and I. I grip the photo. My heart hurting like hell. No.... This was an unknown pain in my heart. Worst than getting stab or shot or anything. I lost my family. Realization hit me so hard, I fell on my knees- drowning in my own tears. I lost my Family. They're dead.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I knew it was her."I'm so sorry..." I lost my family- I wasn't there to protect them because- My hands turns to fist.

I yank off the hand on my shoulder and growled at Chloe."I lost my family because of you, and all you can say is you're sorry?!"I shouted with anger.
Anger and sorrow is what filled my body. Chloe wrap her arms around me, holding me tight. I of course refuse her comfort because she's the one to blame.
I squirm and try to push off her arms, but she's too strong.

"Get the hell away from me!"Hot tears free falling. She didn't move. Chloe held me and rub my back."I'm so sorry."She softly said. I let out a cried before wrapping my arms around Chloe, weeping on her chest....

Did you guys really think I would of kill off Beca? Just a tip for future stories- I never kill off the main protagonists :p
Thanks for reading!
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Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang