"I Still Love You."

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My eyes snap open, I try to move but something is on me. More like someone. I smell her natural scent of pine trees. My heart pound- and I fucking hate that. Even though she broke my heart and trust. My broken heart still beats for her. And I hate that! She gasp air, sitting up. We both look at each other in confusion because of the things we saw. She look deep into my eyes, and suddenly I understand why those blue eyes were always an feature I loved about her.

"Your steel blue eyes still holds compassion, but you no longer have the innocence." I glance away; she saved my life. I was that baby, that scar is from being nearly killed.... I want to hug her and kiss her- tell her thank you for saving my life. But my broken stubborn heart would not allow me."Get off me, yeah?" She sigh, standing up and pull her hand out to help me. I ignore the hand I desperately want to hold. I return to the book, turning the page.
The words transfer to an language I understand; I began to read out loud

Dear Beca Mitchell,

I understand that you may be confuse about everything you had saw; let me explain. First of all I am your father, your real father. But I was known as Highness to my people. You see Beca you are my daughter- The reason you saw what had happen many years ago is because of the prophecy-

"What prophecy is he talking about?"I question Chloe. The response was a shrug.

What prophecy? You may ask. The prophecy of your rise of course. You see my dear daughter, I was a beloved ruler. Many women wanted me, but only one woman stole my heart, her name was Scarlet. She was more beautiful than any star in the sky, shining brightly like one too. She was unlike any woman I ever seen, and I met many throughout the centuries.
The only problem was; she's was a human. But human or not I fell in love with the second I laid eyes on her from the woods. I being the love struck fool I was, I approach her one day. She was not frighten by me, she was rather fascinated by me. She had told me that I once approach her in her dream- and she knew she was in love with me. For she dreamt that. We would meet in secret for her people would think strangely of her and perhaps kill her and I, my people would not allow such thing. Eventually, your mother became pregnant. Trust me it was unbelieved, a human and vampire created a fetus- it was unbelieved and quite dangerous. During the months of your mother's pregnancy, I had left the kingdom using the excuse of traveling the world. I stuck by your mother. Whatever needs I gave it to her. Any problem I'll have it fix. Expect the nightmares she had. Such horrible nightmares; she'll wake up sobbing.
She told me few dreams. She dreamt of my death, she told me to not trust the woman with glowing green eyes. Another dream that frighten me the most was my own daughter being thrown off the rocky lava in my kingdom. Beside the point of you reading this, I need to explain the prophecy to you. This prophecy could be read on the ancient book of our people which shall be somewhere near my studies. Key word: A drop of blood from no other but your love.

Your Father.

I close the book and look around the table. I swept off papers and other books. Unable to find this book-
"It's this one."Chloe held out a wooden book, a metal chain wrap around and a metal Lock with a heart held it close.
"How do we open it?"She question me.
"I... I don't know,"I replied,"A drop of blood from no other but your love."
"What?" I bite my bottom lip trying to figure out what my father said this.
"My father wrote that." Chloe eye brows furrow before lowering down to my boots to remove my small blade.
I watch her quickly slice her right wrist.

I instantly pull away the blade,"Why the hell did you do that!"I shouted as I grab her arm putting pressure on her wrist. I expect cold blood but it was warm."A drop of blood from no other but your love!"She pulled her arm away from my grip. Placing her bleeding wrist towards the locket- a drop of blood fell into the locker, filling the heart locket with blood. A click noise was heard and the chains fell. She hand me the book but I place it down and grab her arm. I once again place pressure on her wrist. I look around and spot a white sheet. I grab it and wrap it tightly around her wrist. I continue to hold it."How did you know it would work."I whisper.

"It needed a drop of blood of someone you love in order to open it, and even though you hate me right. I know you still love me." I look deeply in those blue eyes, those same blue eyes I fell in love with even as a infant I fell for her.
My heart was pounding loudly for her. My broken heart still beats for her and only her.

I gently place my hand on her cheek, leaning closer to her."Yeah, you're right,"I whisper,"I still love you."
I desperately want to kiss those lips. Those lips I miss feeling against my own. But... I pulled away, avoiding the hurt look of a broken vampire.
"We should look into the book."

Right in the Bechloe feels!
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