*What The Hell Happen?

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Entering my favorite place beside my home, the village's pub! Entering with Jesse by my side, we were greeted by the bartender, Fat Amy. What? She literally wants us to call her Fat Amy!

"Well if it ain't shorty and her mighty side kick."Amy's Australian voice greeted us. I rolled my eyes at her nickname for me. No matter how many times I tell her not to make fun of my size, she continues to poke fun at it!

"I will stab you with a wooden stake if you don't stop calling me shorty!"Amy turn to grab two cold ones. She slide them down the table, sliding into my hands.

"You wouldn't do that because then who would serve your drinks and besides I'm your buddy."She's right... About the drinks.

"Whatever."I mumble chugging down my drink while Jesse too a few sips.

"So you two hunting today?"Amy asked. I place my drink down.

"Just going to search the perimeter. Ya know, just to be sure those bastards isn't near our village."I explain.
Jesse nod his head,"We usually do that now since most vampires know that we have a skill vampire killer over here."he pointed to me.

"Just be careful you two."We both nod our heads. Psh! When aren't we careful? Once we finish our drinks we head out to the woods.


"How many stakes do you have?"I asked Jesse. He reach in his coat pulling out four then he reach in his boot, pulling out his trusty blade. He has his blade and I have my crossbow."Make sure your glove blade is working."He push the button on his gloves and a small sharp blade popped out.

He pressed it again and it was gone."How many times do we have to do this? You know our inventions works perfectly."He sounded annoying. But this fucker doesn't realize how much he means to me. I can't have him killed because one my inventions was jammed. I can't have him killed because he only had a few weapons. I can't have him killed at all. I love him like a brother. Jesse is my brother and best friend. I can't lose him. Of course I can't tell him and show it to him. I have a hard time showing affection.

"Just making sure you won't kill yourself."I said sternly. Jesse wrap me in a hug which I hate yet can't help smiling.

"Love you too Sis."I smiled and push him off me.

"Alright I'll take the left perimeter."I announced pointing the left. Jesse nod and walk to the right. As I walk over the familiar trail, keeping my guard up. I always have my guard up. Gripping my crossbow, eyes scanning the area. Crunch. I stop and swiftly turn around. Nothing. I let out a cold brea-

"Help me!"I start to run through the woods to see where the female screams come from."Someone please help me!" The screams were closer."Please Help!"I slide under a branch, standing up and continuing to run towards the screams."Help!" I raise my crossbow and shot the vampire. It went through her but instead of falling dead, she vapor to black smog. I run towards the woman on the floor. I pick her up and notice something. Red hair, bluest eyes I ever seen.

"Chloe."Suddenly, the vampire was in front of me. I pull the trigger but she was too fast- she push my aim up, missing her. She grab my crossbow and threw it across. Gripping my neck, my breath cut and I feel my face redden

"What now bitch."The vampire spoke in a hiss.

I smirk. "Your death bitch."Before she could say anything, a stake went through her chest, killing her instantly. I let out a breath, looking at the woman who saved me."Jesus woman, this is the second time you almost get killed!"I cried out. I grab my crossbow, luckily there's no damage.

"A thank you is what I would expected since I saved your life."God her voice. A voice so comforting and safe. What the fuck Beca? I shook my head.

"Yeah. Thanks."I mumble. I mentally smack myself. She was attack by a vampire and you're being an asshole."Are you all right?"I asked before examining her neck- nothing- Thank God! My eyes look up to her light blue eyes- so blue and enchanting, enchanting as if I could lose myself to those eyes. Our heads seem close- too close. So close I can feel her breathing- my eyes fell to her lips before looking back to her eyes. I don't know if I was leaning or it was her, but all I know we were leaning close-

"Help us!" I pulled back and point my crossbow at this blonde women dragging an unconscious Jesse! I rush over to her, placing my coat on the floor and lay Jesse on top. Fuck! Please be okay. Please! My eyes frantically look everywhere around Jesse. He's breathing- I notice the red lipstick on his neck. He was lucky to not be bitten.... A fucking vampire was trying to seduce him. She put him in an fucking trance.

"Fortunately, he's place in a trance, but he won't get up until tomorrow morning." I look up at the women- mostly the blonde woman who dragged Jesse."What the hell happen?"

Hello I just want to thank you all for reading this story! Thank you for the reads and favs ^~^
Also I created an book trailer of this story- but I wonder if anyone would actually want to see it... Anyway have a good day! Bye!


How did you guys read this and thought it was good? Everything was terrible and I could barely understand who's saying who..... I mean it still sucks but it's a little better -__(•~•)__-

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now