"Please Chloe."

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The full moon brought light to the man, who is sprinting his way out the woods. In his arms, he holds a baby girl, bundle in white cloth. He understand that running away from that place is a show of cowardliness, but for god sakes! He has a baby girl now. He can't risk his own child for the title. Sadly, no longer will he have the title- and honestly he does not give a damn. His baby girl is much more important than the title.

As the man continue to sprint. A flash of red ran past him, causing him to trip and fall, dropping the baby. The cries of the baby filled the silence of the woods. The man heard a hiss and look up, screaming,"Don't touch her!" The redhead girl stopped and stare into the baby's steel blue eyes. The cries of the baby's stopped. The baby girl was mesmerize by those blue enchanting eyes as for the same of the vampire. Those steel blue eyes showed innocents, something she no longer could see. And tenderness of those blue  eyes. The vampire's mind gone blank and the action she was ordered to do was forgotten. The baby smiled and even giggle, the small vampire smiled.

She wrap her arms around the small bundle of joy. The man watch in awe- he knew what this meant. He stood up,"You must hide with my child. Hide until the coast is clear and once it's clear you must run towards the north side and you will find a village. At the village there's a home at the edge of town. You must go there. Please Chloe."His eyes pleaded,"Please Chloe."
"Y-Yes your highness."She look around  their area and found a small hole- big enough for a large animal and small enough to keep them hidden. She push the hanging branches and crawl into the hole with the baby girl in her arms.

She feels the mistress coming- she watch through the branches as the tall blonde woman, landed on the ground, hissing at the highness. She always feared the tall blonde woman. Her green eyes always held hate unlike the highness's golden eyes."Where's the baby?!"The tall blonde woman shouted. Voice filled with venom. The man showed no fear. Instead he march towards her. Sadly, the man was half her size. "Aww it's quite cute how you think you're brave."Her accent was strong. Everything about this vampire is strong and to be fear of."Now must I repeat what I said, where is the infant?"

"Somewhere you will never be able to  seek her."He replied. The vampire woman laughed.
"You honestly think I won't be able to find her?" The man did not respond.
The woman laughed once again, laughter such an chilling laugh.
"You will fear her."
"Who? The infant?"
"You will fear my daughter!"
The woman rolled her eyes, attempting to keep that cocky grin from showing,"No, your daughter will fear me when she's begging for her life." The man grew angry at this sentence,"Do not speak of my daughter in that way!"He hissed, fangs slowly shown.

At that moment, he lunge forward her, knocking her on the ground. Before he could rip her skin off, she lift her knee hitting him in the chest. Thus gave her the upper hand to pin him down the ground. She hissed in anger,"I would say I'm sorry your highness but I am not sorry nor will you be known as highness."
"My people will rage once they know you murder me!"
"Not really. They would actually give me the title of royalty since they all think you're a snake for falling in love with a human. They despise you even more for bring this disgusting infant on earth."
"This 'disgusting' infant will be the death of you! For she shall be thy true ruler of my people. For she shall be thy one to lead our people to live for more generation-"
"But, unfortunately, she's human." She smirk.

The highness shook his head grinning, for he knew. He knew the prophecy...
"My daughter will have no limits, she shall be reborn with the Royal title. And once she realize who she is- she would think of nothing but regain our family title and she shall not show any mercy."
"Sounds like an horrible ruler for the people. My people will be much better with me as their ruler."
"Thus is where you're wrong. For my daughter will have a heart unlike you. She will think with her mind and heart. She will be humble yet will be aware of how much power she has. She shall save MY people from any horrid things and will be there for HER people when those horrid things come."
"You're quite a downer your highness."
"And you're quite a bitc-" The blonde's fangs cut the highness sentence when she rip out his throat. Blood flow everywhere and the blonde woman savored the feeling of the cold trickling blood. Once she drink the blood, her green eyes began to glow in a bright golden color, she closed her eyes, laughing sinisterly. She open her eyes- her now golden eyes shows that she gain the royal title. No longer is she a pathetic servants of the hidden kingdom. She's now the ruler and she's ready to make those bow down to her.
She stood up and glance at the dead former ruler as it slowly faded to a golden fog and disappears. "Hmph- and to think we followed you through out the centuries." She wipe her mouth and sped off.

Chloe watched in fear, she look down at the baby. The baby began to weep, it's as if she knows she lost her father.
Chloe could feel the baby's pain, her steel blue eyes shows the agony. The young girl held the child in her arms, rocking her back and forth. Humming a soft melody. The baby weeping quiet down to soft whimpers.
"I'm sorry, princess."She kissed the baby's forehead. The baby giggle feeling the cold soft lips. Chloe smiled and kiss the baby again, gaining another giggle.
"Honey, did you hear that?"Chloe froze when she heard a feminine voice.
"You're hearing things dear."
If it was the worst moment, the baby began to weep loudly.
"Honey it's weeping! It's coming from over there." Soon after the branches moved to the side to reveal a brunette woman with the brownest.
"Oh dear god! Young lady are you alright."Chloe did not respond. What is she suppose to respond with?
"Come out here child, you must be freezing." She could sense and see the kindness surround the woman. With trust she crawled out the hole to the woman. The woman gasped when she realize the young girl is holding a infant."You have a baby let me see her." She tried to reach over but Chloe held the baby tighter."I promise you I won't hurt her." Those brown kind eyes.... She pass the baby.
Surprisedly the baby smiled at the woman, and the woman return the smile. The woman look back at Chloe."Where are your parents?"she asked. Look away unsure how to answer."Hone-" A hissed cut her off and a Vampire tackle her down.
The woman strongly held the vampire away from her throat.
"Honey help!"She look to where her husband at only to see him ran away. But he didn't go far, for a vampire leap up and tore off his limbs.

Chloe stood there in fear but once hearing the baby cries, she snapped out and lunge forward the vampire on top of the woman. She plunge her fangs deep down the vampires throat and rip her throat out. She fell dead.
The baby cries became louder and she turn her attention towards the baby.
Another vampire held the infant.
Chloe ran towards the baby but stopped when the vampire held her long sharp nails on the infant chest.
"Come any closer and I'll cut her deep." Chloe hissed running and the vampire slide her nails- but before she reach the area of the heart- Chloe tackle the vampire down.

The young girl showed no mercy when ripping off every limb of the vampire, gouging out her red eyes. Ripping her head off by just her teeth. Rage filled her for she hurt the infant. Chloe shook her head when the cries of the baby ranged through her head. She instantly grab the baby. The white cloth filled with blood and baby girl eyes slowly flutters open and close.
Tears began to fall down her cheeks.
"No princess! You can't die."She place pressure on the wound. The woman quickly grab more sheet wrapping the sheets around the baby,"We must get her to a healer!"Chloe cried out. Tears spilling."We're no where near a village." The young girl remember and grab the hand of the woman and ran quickly with the woman and the baby.

In a flash, the woman stood alone in a village with the bleeding baby."Someone help please!"She shouted. Immediately, people scurried her way."Please vampires attack my infant. A healer swiftly grab the baby
and towards his hut."What's is your infant's name?" It took a moment for the woman, but she replied,"Her name is Beca."

Chloe watch from the shadows as the healer sewed the wound. Giving the infant some sort of syrup to help sleep through the pain. She sigh in relief knowing the baby is alive. She look at the woman and the way she cradle the baby. She knew the princess would be safe here. She glance at the baby once again before speeding off to the hidden kingdom where she'll bow down to the new ruler...

To any confusion, this is what Beca and Chloe are seeing after they blacked out by the green liquid. Anyway hope ya enjoy this chapter. Comment your thoughts!

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now