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Entering the small cabin I never saw with two women I just meet may not seem like an smart idea. But Jesse needs a place until he wakes up and the village is too far for me to drag him. The women with the blue enchanting eyes, Chloe, is kind enough to let us stay in her cabin- a cabin I never knew existed in these woods.  Anyway, I stumble inside with Jesse unconscious body leaning against my right side. I lay him on the couch and turn to the blonde women whose name is Aubrey.

"Okay. So you're telling me that you heard singing which lure you towards this vampire who was about to bite Jesse?"Aubrey nod."How did you stop her then?"

"A stake of course!"Aubrey replied quickly- too quickly. I lift my eyebrow.  She just continue to give me an stern expression."What? you don't think I can handle killing one?" She snapped.

I shook my head,"No. It's not that I don't think you can't handle it. It's just... Who cares- thank you for saving Jesse."I reach in my coat pulling out an small book and pen. I flip the pages until I reached the correct paged.
'•Avoid listening to their singing(Oddly enough these creatures lure people with their heavenly singing much like sirens) their singing apparently lure men and perhaps women into this preparation of a trance, much like the mythical creature Sirens... I personally have not yet experience this, but sadly my brother has. The effect of this is being put in an sleep trance. No moment but thankfully breathing. Should wake up in the morning of the next day. But I warn Avoid listening to their singing....

"What are you writing."Chloe whisper in my ear, I can feel her hot breath down my neck. I jumped in surprise, closing my small book. I turn to look at her, she held an sly grin.

"N-Nothing.."I stutter like an idiot . Great! I'm probably red as a tomato. Great job idiot! I cleared my throat, regaining my position,
"I mean, I'm just writing this new information about the vampires."I faced away from Chloe because I know if I continue to look into those blue eyes, I'll make an fool of myself. Though, I think I made it worse because I felt Chloe lean against my back. She has her head on my shoulder and her chest very close to my back- so close it'll make an pervert very excited. I can smell her red hair, a beautiful smell of pine trees- an natural scent.

"Can I see it?"She whisper in my ear and I am certainly sure I will make an fool of myself! I cleared my throat.

"You're seeing it."I joke and dear god that was stupi- she laughs while shaking her head.

"You're an idiot."She tease.

I made a hurt gasp and held my hand on my chest.

"Don't worry you're an cute idiot."Beep... Beep... Beep... I felt my heart stop and my cheeks blush. I-I... What? I heard that clearly right? She called me cute!? Someone as beautiful as her called me cute!? Did she just flirt with me? Do I flirt back?

"Thanks but the only one cute here is you."I complement her- which is honest truth."Beautiful if I may added." I'm glad I was able to say those two sentences without stuttering, but I can feel the blush creeping to my neck.

"You're cute and sweet too! you'll make a man very happy in the future." I smiled awkwardly- how do I say it without it being awkward?
Hey Chloe ya know that saying, 'chicks before dicks' Well I'm full blown 'chicks before dicks' or 'no dicks just chicks'

"I prefer chicks rather than dicks..."I said- and I'm stupid,"Er- I prefer women rather than men." She smiles revealing her perfect white teeth.
"Awesome."She says,"I happen to like chicks, dicks, and everything in between."Clever of her- wait...

"Anyone has caught your eye?" She question cutting off my thoughts. Do I have interest in anyone? I mean I'm busy killing vampires are there any time for dating?

"Since you haven't replied I'm going to say it's me then."She slyly smirk. I felt my cheeks redden even more. Sure she's attractive but I don't like her- do I? Glah! Beca you were never good with feelings! Fight fire with fire!

Like dad says,'Women are naturally flirtatious, so be careful not to confuse them with vampires. Just ya know fight them back with flirting- I know you can do it!' And that's exactly what I'm going to do. Fight back with flirting and it's going to be badly that she'll be red and stutter. I shook my head and grin at her, feeling this surge of confidence.

"What would you do if it was you?"I question innocently. I wait to see her blush, I succeed. Chloe's cheeks redden but instead of being an stuttering mess, she lean close to my ears, hot breath against my ear.

My face turn to burning hot. She whisper with an sultry voice."I would kiss you."My heart pound against my chest. I open and close my mouth. Damn this woman is making me feel weird! Get A Grip Mitchell! I turn my body, now facing the redhead woman- I won't fall victim to those really pretty blue eyes.

Those crystal like blue eyes are so enchanting, so beautiful as if I could stare at them and never get bored. They seem to gleam the more I stare into them. Those damn eyes seem to be pulling me into some such of trance, it's a blissful feeling.

"Then kiss me."Those words came out of my mouth, I didn't have control. But it doesn't matter because the beautiful redhead is slowly leaning and somehow I am too. We're so close I could feel her hot breath against my lips, seconds past before our lips met and dear God does it feel so Awesome. My heart is pounding hard against my chest. My cheeks are probably redder than it can ever be.

My eyes widen when I felt her tongue swept my lip. I open my mouth allowing her access and Woah! Her hands slowly pushed me down on the floor and she straddle my waist- all while kissing! DaMn! This gal! While our tongues explore our mouths, our hands does their own exploring. She pulled back for a few seconds before attacking my neck with light kissings and small bites

"What the fuck?"We stop and look up at the door way to see Aubrey with her arms crossed.
"Chloe. I left you alone with her for a few minutes and you're already screwing her?"My whole face must be red as a tomato- I literally just made out with a woman I don't even know anything about besides her name! What the eff' Mitchell? you're letting your emotion lead your whole mind!

"I'mgoingforawalk!"I shout, grabbing my crossbow then exiting the cabin.

Bechloe making out this early?Yes indeed because that's what happens when our little sinnamon is a seducing vampire~

Also hope you like the book trailer but I know it's not very good .-. But aye! Beca making out with a stranger woman name Chloe!

Link to book trailer: http://youtu.be/96be2cfDU8E

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now