The End Was Just The Beginning

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The year is 1997 when the ruler of the vampire kingdom and her lover stood in the pure nude besides a large lake. The stars and moon were the only light for those two lovers."Are you ready?"Chloe asked. Beca nod her head confidently- never in her life has she felt more confident about this.
Bearing a child, she never felt such confidence for this. Years ago if anyone had ask her this question she would immediately back down from this. But she matured, matured well. And she knew her royal family must grow. It was simple to create a child there was no need of a sperm donner or the male's reproduction system. It's quite like magic. The two lovers who wish for a child must go in the crystal lake during a full moon.  The two must be nude- They shall walk in the lake with nothing but the love they have. Only those who truly love each other will be able to create a child. Once in the lake, the one that will not carry the baby shall find three seaweed and wrap it around their lover's stomach. The seaweed is covered in the richest salt- once carefully wrap, the lover with the seaweed wrap must dive in the water
for ten seconds. Meanwhile the other partner drinks a sip of the lake. Once this is done, they must retrieve to any empty building. In the building the two must drag the blade across their hand, not to deep. And the two shall combine blood. Once this is done, the lover must remove the seaweed- once removed, they make love until sunrise.

And that is what Beca and Chloe did.
They made love till sunrise.


When Beca found out that it worked, she immediately told Chloe the wonderful news. Of course the redhead was filled with joy. Soon after they told the kingdom. They all seem so joyful to hear the news. Since the announcement of her pregnancy the Vampire kingdom- which is no longer a cave but a large building- been in high surveillance, not that there's been any danger.
But no one can be so sure...


Everything went swell, and Beca gave birth to a healthy baby girl, which was name Emily Beale Mitchell. The day of her birth was a happy day. Everyone from the kingdom celebrated-


What they didn't know, outside the vampire kingdom, glowing blue eyes watched. This unknown thing chuckled, running off to tell the others. In distance a loud howl filled the woods....

Calling in a sequel! I had this in mind and why not? So yass prepare yourself for more Vampire Bechloe now joined with vampire aca-child !!!

Watch out for the sequel !!!!

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now