*You're Dead Meat Dude!

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I was awoken by Jesse and Jeff running in my room. They were both sweating and breathing heavily as if they had ran a mile.

"Beca! You gotta get change and head down to the village square!"Jesse shouts.

"You have to hurry!"Jeff shouts, wiping the sweat off his forehead. The two left my room, allowing me to change. I place a few wooden stakes, holy water, and grabbing my crossbow. I followed both of my brothers to the town square. 

I was not happy at what I saw.  At the village square stood a group of men with black coats and hats. They look filthy and unhygienic. What made me upset is the woman they're drowning in the barrel of water.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted getting the attention of the man drowning a woman. He lift the woman to reveal her beautiful damp red hair. I shook my head, stomping my way towards this man."I said, what the fuck are you doing?" He grin smugly- his grip tighten on the woman's red hair.

"Why testing to see if she's a vampire."He answer.

Is he fucking stupid?

"Are fucking stupid? Why would you drown this woman?" I asked.

"Well if we drown her and she comes back alive she's a vampire,"He push her back in the water and I can see the way her muscle tighten as she tries to pull herself out."But if she doesn't, she isn't a vampire. It's legit- we done this many times at the southern villag-" My fist made a loud pop noise when it made contact to his stupid mouth. He fell back, releasing the woman who immediately lift up to breathe. The man holds his mouth, moaning in pain. The other men lift their guns at which cause Jesse to lift his.

"I would put those guns down if I were you unless you want a blood bath square?""They listen to him and place their weapons down.  The man spit blood along with a tooth.

I grip his collar coat, glaring at him."Who the fuck are you? And why are you in our village attempting to drown this woman in public?"

He cough out blood, wiping it off with his own coat."I'm Daniel and these are my men. We go around village to village testing women if they are vampires."He explain. This fucking idiot. He probably killed more innocent women rather than vampires.

"You are a fucking idiot thinking you are helping people because you are not. Beside, drowning women isn't a way to find out if they are vampires." I scan the woman. She has nice creamy color- nowhere near pale. I open her mouth, teeth normal. I was about to pull out my holy water when I caught a sight of her eyes. Stunning crystal like blue eyes. I forget what I was doing- her eyes.... Those blue eyes- They look oddly familiar.

She lift her eyebrow- crap I must be staring. I clear my throat turning my attention to the crowd of people."This woman is not a vampire."I turn to the man who was drowning her,"Now you, want you gone now!"

"The mayor sign a contact about us staying."He smugly grin. I really want to knock all his teeth out.

"Why the hell would he do something so stupid?"

"Whatever little bitch. We are the best-" I lunge toward him but arms wrap around my waist holding me back. I look at the woman who held my waist. I felt a blush creak up on my cheeks. Is it normal to feel this electric feel?

"He's not worth it."She simply says. I shiver, feeling chills by her calming voice. Her calmness is contagious because the anger I felt simply washed away.  The man laughed making his way towards the sherif station.

"What the hell is that idiot thinking?"I question. My attention turn to the woman who was almost drowned."I'm sorry, I didn't even ask if you're okay."

"I'm all right, thanks to you."She smiles warmly. Her smile makes my stomach turn. God Beca, keep your cool.
"It was no problem uh..."

"Chloe. The name is Chloe."She place her hand out. I nervously shook her hand and nearly melt by her soft, cool hands.

"Well, hello Chloe. The name is Beca Mitchell."Chloe's eyes widen in surprise before grinning hugely.

"The Beca Mitchell as in Beca Mitchell Vampire Hunter?"I nod my head and she made a cute noise almost like a squeal.

"You're such a bad ass! People around world make stories and legends about the Beca Mitchell." I felt my cheeks heat even more. The thought of people of all ages surround by their fire, telling stories of my killings. If it was anyone else I would of make a boastful maybe even cocky comment.

Instead I mumble,"Really?" Chloe nod her head with that smile. That smile it's so... So... I can't find the words to describe the way her smile makes me feel. What the hell is this woman doing to me? More like what the hell am I allowing this woman to do?

"Thank you for saving my life. I must return home. Goodbye."With that said she wave goodbye while I stood there like an fool waving goodbye.

"A gal like her? I wouldn't think she'll be your type."My eyes widen in shock as those words escape Jesse's lips. My elbow made contact to his gut making him groan.

"Never make a comment like that." I warn the
pain man. I glance at Jeffery with an glare knowing him so well. Jeffery smile ear to ear.

"Beca has a crush! Beca had a crush!"

"Oh you're so going to get it Jeff."I growl. Jeff run off and away from me."You're Dead Meat dude!"

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