*This Woman Will Be the Death of Me.

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Okay! I will admit, I am a extremely nervous. Dude, anyone would be nervous too your girlfriend(mind you we only know each other for at least two days) is meeting your dad. Maybe I shouldn't rush this in?

My stomach does a 360 flip when her soft hands holds my rough hands. I want to puke when her thumb starts rubbing my palm and holy shit she's soft and cold.

God, this woman!

My dad immediately opens the wood door, running towards us,"You two better have good reasons-"He pause his eyes glance to my intertwine hand with Chloe. He looks between Chloe then to me which he greets with a proud grin."Good enough reason."

"Uh dad- this is Chloe... my girlfriend."I shyly said. My dad grin even more as he wraps his arms around Chloe. I thought this was too straight forward but the beautiful woman did not mind at all, she actually hugs him back.

"It's nice to meet you sir."Chloe formally greets.

"I can say the same, Chloe."He replies,"Though if I may say, how on earth did someone like my daughter-"

"Hey!"I shout.

"-get someone like you?"Of course my dad is joking- I hope.

"What can I say Sir? Her eyes show familiarity and I feel this strong connection with her."My cheeks burn. Oddly, I also feel this strong connection with her- I knew I had this strange connection with when I first looked into those blue eyes. Something about those blue eyes show secure, safety, and if you look longer you'll see pain. I want that pain away from her eyes. I want her to know that I will keep her safe while she keeps me safe. I'll be her hero and she'll be mine.

Jesus- I'm a sap!


The hours of the day past and it start to be dark of the night. Chloe is wonderful with my little brother Jeffery. Don't get me started how she is with my father. Jeffery pretty much won't leave Chloe side nor does he not stop complementing my girlfriend. Huh? My Girlfriend- I like how that sounds.

During the afternoon, we all played a small game of soccer which Chloe is surprisingly effin' great at the game. Glad she was my team! Soon after the game was done, Dad called us in for supper.

We ate- well- I couldn't really because- Heh.... Chloe was very touchy during supper causing me to be very nervous during supper.

First, Chloe's leg would slowly and playfully touch my leg- but the playful leg had ran up to my- let's just say I was chocking on water.

Everyone had looked at me. God this woman will be the death of me! Chloe was smirking, knowing the effects she has on me.

"Are okay Beca?"She had asked me with a cute smirk. I had to nod and tell everything that I was fine but Chloe can see the blush appear. I had panic and I wasn't sure if I could survived so I excuse myself.

"I think I'm going to bed already."I sat up and placed my plate in the sink.

"I also think I shall head to bed. Will Aubrey and I share the guest room?"

"Nonsense dear, you shall sleep in Beca's room. I have no reason to worry about one of you getting pregnant."He had joked which left my mouth gap open.
I swear Chloe turned to me with this incredible sexual facial expression ever!

"Yeah Becs we don't need to worry about one of use getting pregnant."She winked! She fucking winked! And she's so Ughghgjfu!!! She makes my heart race and makes the butterflies in my stomach burst and fly insanely around inside! I never meet someone who makes me this way!

"Uh. I'll show the way."I had anxiously walked to my room- and hoped it was not messy which wasn't since I have not been home for a day.

"Nice room, babe."She whispered in my ear,"I especially love your bed."Chilled ran up my back.

Once again, this woman will be the death of me! I quickly gave her some shorts and a shirt- and I grab my own pjs. I went to the bathroom which is where I am standing now. I run a hand through my hair, exhaling because God does this woman makes me crazy.  I quickly change and exit the bathroom. I walk towards my room. The door is close which make sense since Chloe change in my room. With no thought I open the door, enter then shut the door.

The candles were off but the moonlight is enough to show the beautiful goddess wearing nothing but my large coat. The way those blue eyes glow in the night is enchanting. Those eyes appear to glow in the dark and they seems to control my attention as if she's hypothesizing me.

She smirks, knowing my heart is racing with nerve. She knows.

With one swift move, the coat falls.

Chloe Beale is a real Greek Goddess.

Cheeks crimson red- heart pacing- think I'm sweating?

With her index, she motion me to come to her. I had no choice but come closer to her, did I mention that this woman will be the death of me.

Chloe being an seductive vampire- comment if you agree.
Anyway sorry this was very rush but Aye! Beca and Vampy Chlo are going to have an fun night ;)
XD comment on what you think of my story so far! Thanks for reading bye!

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