You're in Love With The Vampire Hunter

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Out of breath, Beca lay her head back on the pillow. She let out a breath and look towards me with a warm smile.  With her hair out of place, hazy eyes, and warm smile- she looks gorgeous....

"That. was. Amazing."She says out of breath. I do have a lot of stamina. She must be exaggerating because it was okay.... Fine! I'll admit it, it was wonderful! It was so blissful, so pleasureful. Dear god, she took control an- Okay! That's enough!

What the hell was that Beale? Really? Remember you're just using her for information! you're doing what Mistress asked....

"Yes it was amazing~"I couldn't lie.

I scoot closer to her with the need to be closer to her. My index finger trail down her expose chest; expose just for me. I trail down and stop above a large scar just below the chest down to the stomach. I fear to touch it- I don't want to harm her....

"What happen to you?"I curiously yet carefully ask.

She shrugs, playing with a strain of my hair,"I don't know. My mother- my mother just told me that I had this scar since I was a baby."I can hear the hurt in her voice when speaking about her mother.

My finger ghostly trace the scar. I climb on top of her, pressing my lips on the scar, leaving soft kisses...



I snapped out my thought and gave my attention to mistress. Although I couldn't see her face, I knew she was getting angry.

"Sorry mistress, I was lost in my thoughts."I apologize."May I know why you asked for me?"

"Ah yes. Chloe, it been two months. What is taking you so long for some information of the vampire hunter? Do you know what her weakness is? Or at least where her head quarters is at?"

I looked away.... I-I can't tell mistress about her home. I can't explain why I felt this way. These two months been quite different between us.... Mostly me.....

My stomach hurts from laughing so much! I lay on the floor with Beca on top of me; tickling the hell out of me!

"S-Stop... It!"I giggled out. She grin so stupidly cute!

"Never!"She shouted, attempting to laugh evilly which only was a cute giggle.

I forcefully sat up and press my lips against hers. This stop her. She held my cheek so tenderly- I couldn't stop the sigh that came out of my mouth.

She pulled back, biting her lip and looking uneasy.

"What's wrong?"I questioned, oddly enough I am truly concern.

"I,"She paused."Chloe, I know we been together for an month now but..." Those steel blue eyes show this familiarly of tenderness and compassion, something that is rare to find in eyes that belong to someone who gone through pain."Ever since our first time, you know- I felt this deep connection with you. I can't explain, but I'm in love with you. Chloe, I love you."My mouth gap, did she really? I mean- really she can't be in love with me within a month.

I can't say I love her back because I don't.....'I don't- more importantly I can't.

"Sorry that was stupid,"She looks away. I grab hold of her face, making her turn to me. She stare intently in my eyes- those damn steel blue eyes full of love... Love I don't fucking deserve.

I press my lips against hers, showing the feelings I been ignoring.... No... Refusing to come to terms with.

Resting my forehead against hers, I whisper,"I love you Beca Mitchell."


"Would you snap out!"I shook my head and came back to reality. Mistress screamed at me? She never done that to me..."Why won't you say any information you found on the vampire hunter?"

"I-I don't have anything on her."I replied with my head down.

"Bullshit!"She shouted.

"It's not!"I shouted back. A slap to the face was the respond from mistress.

I lay on the floor; hand on my red cheek. I look up to see mistress above me looking furious. Her loyal servants giggle at how pathetic I look cowering in fear.

They shouldn't laugh because they too would cower in fear if they were in my place.

Her golden eyes glow in anger,"Don't you ever shout at me! Now, I want to know why you have no information on the vampire hunter if you been with her for two months? Now tell me why?" I open my mouth but Mistress clash her hands together, shutting my mouth."Do not speak if bullshit will be said! The solutions I have for the reason you have no info is that either you're a fucking idiot who can not get info, or you're in love with her." I look away because that's the reason why I can't give her information.

She must of seen the guilt in my eyes because she let out a laugh.

"So it is true? You're in love with the vampire hunter! A vampire hunter! Dear Satan!"She bend down, her red satin dress made contact with my hand. With her own sharp nails, she lift up my head."I taught you better Chloe! I taught you so well yet you forsaken all those lessons and decide to throw away your chance of ruling beside me as a queen- as my lover! And for what? A woman who kills your kind?"

I pull my head away.

"I would have never rule beside you nor would I be your lover!"I spit out. Once again a hard slap was the respond.

"Why I believe that is a lie. Do you not remember those late nights where you would crawl to me, begging to be touch? Do you not remember how you crave my touc-"

"You used me! I was just a young girl and you used me! I was vulnerable and new to my vampire self! I had these desire of things that I had no control over with!"

"Ah yes but you seem satisfy with the things I did to you."

"Yes you were good but you will never be half amazing as the vampire hunter!"Those golden eyes flared.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh the things she made me felt! So blissful~"I moaned."She took control and made me scream. Oh she's so damn good. Fuck! I could come right now just thinking about the things she done to me! Oh and trust me the second, forth, and even the tenth time always felt like the first time."by the time I finish my out burst, I was standing up with my fist tight. Her golden eyes flared with jealously.

She raised her hand to slap me, but before it made contact with my face- I grip her arm and twist it behind her. With her back turn towards me I kick her ass to her throne and ran.

"You'll regret this Chloe!"Her voice echo throughout the cave as I ran as fast as I could to Beca's home. I need to tell her my secret!

Heh... Well readers, it's time!
Random reader: Time for what?
Me: You will see in the next chapter.... Which will be update today too!

Well, readers I will update as much as I can because Well I want this story going! :D okay yes I am strange! But anyway-
Comment of what you thought about this chapter?

Edit: I seriously don't know how you guys like this story?? I tried to edit and make it readable but I just can't and I'm truly sorry for making ya'll read this.

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