Burning Sight

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"Jesse! Wake up please!"Jesse eyes open, instantly he tries to move his arms but it was stuck to his back by rope. Jesse blink his eyes, eyes adjusting to the dark. Across the room he sees Jeffery tied to the bed frame. Next to Jeffery is his father, who is also tied."What the hell is going on?" He tried to move his arms but the rope is wrap around him tightly, not allowing him to move.

"You can't get out of these rope, son. I tried."He grip his teeth and struggle to get free when something in his mind appear,"Beca! Where Beca?"
His father lowered his head,"I don't know. I heard a ruckus in the living room so I decide to see what it was. Sadly, I was unprepared and was attack by a vampire who tied us all... Beca wasn't in the house. I heard a conversation between the two vampires saying something that Beale has lead the vampire hunter away, saving her, but they quickly left to get her."Jesse growled in anger and began to move and squirm like an manic in a straight jacket. He can't give up! He has to get Beca.

Suddenly, the silence of the village was soon followed by blood curling screams of multiple people. Men, women, and children all scream and the darkness of the town was glowing with a red glare. A red glare Jesse sees through the window."Dad! The village- I thinks it's on fire!"

Jeffery sobbing filled the silence of Jesse's father."Da-" he stop because of the scent of burning wood and smoke in his own home. Jesse push, pulled, squirm- anything to get out and save his family!"Sons."He stop and look at his father, his father who is the nearest to the door where smog and small flares shows,"I love you both so much. Jeffery I loved you like my own child- you strong little boy."Jeffery sniff- oh how badly he wanted to hug his dad.
"Jesse, I am so proud of you. You done so much along with your sister Beca. Oh Beca, how she's like a real daughter to me. I love you all and I'm proud I raise you all. I love you all."
Tears fell from their eyes,"I love you too. I love you dad, thanks for everything. Jeff I love you bro. You will always be my little bud."
"Our family was the best thing to ever happen to me ever since my parents died. I just want to say I love you al-"

Jeffery's voice was cut off by their dads blood curling screams. Their father quickly caught on fire, and dear god it isn't a pretty sight. His father screaming bloody murder as his skin burning. Jeffery screams were next when the blazing fire glares his skin.
Jesse sobbing and fighting off the ropes, feeling useless and unable to reach them from across. Oh dear god! Why couldn't he be near the door so he wouldn't see this sight of his father and brother being burn alive."Noo!"He shouted. He began to cough uncontrollable  due to the smoke, eyes watery from crying and the blazing fire. His breathing heavy, eyes slowly open and close before closing. He took a last wheezy breath preparing to be burn alive. In all of this he hopes for Beca to be alright...

Dun! dun! dunnnnn!
Yup it's a rush chapter- sorry ;-;
Anyway what are your thoughts on this chapter? Comment!
I might update once I get home from school- we'll see

P.s I just scan it so there may be few mistakes and misspellings.

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora