Four | Dork

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Luke ran his hand through the dry sand, watching as the small grains slipped through his fingers. His attention soon turned back to Audrey, who was laying down beside him, staring out at the lake in front of them.

Luke couldn't believe how peaceful it was, especially since it was so close to the school. The only sound that could be heard was the end of the day bell, signaling to all of the students at Byrne High that it was time to go home.

"Why did you want to sneak out so badly?" Audrey finally asked Luke, but she didn't look at him. She simply stared at the water, the sky, the birds. Anything that caught her eye, really.

Luke didn't even have to think about his answer.

"I hate it there," he stated. "Everybody is so boring and they never do anything."

Audrey nodded, knowingly. "I get it. I've had to deal with them my whole life."

"Is that why you sneak out?" Luke asked her, but she shook her head.

"I do it for a number of reasons, Luke. One being that people don't generally like me at that school. It's like, anybody who is even remotely different is immediately a threat, you know?" she told him.

Luke nodded, knowing very well that what she was saying was true. Nobody had even smiled at Luke when he'd first arrived, not even the teachers.

"So, why'd you come here?" she asked him.

"I was in homeschooling for most of my life, but my mom was busy at work lately, so she wanted me to spend my last year in an actual high school," he explained.

Audrey finally looked at Luke and smiled. "Awe, that's so cute."

Luke scratched the back of his neck, blushing. "It's not cute."

"Awe, now your face is all red. You're totally cute."

Luke sighed, sitting up and looking at Audrey.

They had both been at the lake long enough for their clothes to dry. Luke was now back in his jeans and shirt, and Audrey was still in her leather jacket.

Luke liked that nothing had really changed between them even though they'd seen each other half naked. They were comfortable with each other, which was rare to see between two teenagers who barely knew each other.

"So, uh, why do you always wear that thing?" Luke asked Audrey with curiosity.

"She's my baby," Audrey replied, referring to her jacket and pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her hair was now dry and flowed beautifully halfway down her back.

"But girls don't usually wear leather jackets," Luke pointed out. He'd only ever seen people wearing leather jackets in movies like Grease or The Outsiders.

Audrey rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Luke. I wear what I want."

"Stay gold, Audrey," Luke found himself saying out loud.

Audrey looked at him in confusion. "You did not just quote The Outsiders."

Luke chuckled. "It seems that I did."

Luke had only seen the movie once, but he'd read the book three times. Secretly, he had always wanted to be like Sodapop or maybe even Ponyboy, however he had no idea why someone would name their child something so unfortunate. He was glad his name was Luke.

"That's literally my favorite book and movie in the whole world. They're one of the reasons why I started wearing this old thing all the time," Audrey told Luke, gesturing towards her jacket.

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