Five | Jealous

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Staring out of the window of Audrey's car, Luke began to recognize where he was. The park that the party was at was called St. Emeralds Park and Luke remembered going there a lot with his mom when he was little.

"This is it?" Luke questioned, uneasily.

It was only seven, but the sun was already setting. Luke couldn't see any sign of there being a party. The park looked far too normal.

"It's not here, it's in the woods, sort of. You'll see," Audrey told him, getting out of the car.

Luke followed Audrey, who gently grabbed Luke's hand and led him through the woods. They walked for a while on a thin path until Luke could finally hear the faint sound of music playing.

When they got closer, Luke was able to get a better look at the party.

It was on the edge of a big lake, and white lights were strung up in the trees, creating luminescence throughout the large area. There was a bonfire with logs around it where people were sitting and laughing with each other, and blankets sprawled out on the sand. Luke couldn't help but realize that Audrey dressed a lot like the girls there, but none of them wore leather jackets. That was her thing.

The guys were all dressed like Luke was, wearing band shirts and ripped, dark jeans. Luke silently thanked Audrey for not letting him wear one of his flannels and baggy old jeans like he'd originally been wearing.

"Audrey!" a blonde girl with thick winged eyeliner said, running up to Audrey and giving her a hug.

"Hey, Rain. I haven't seen you in forever, where'd you go?" Audrey asked her.

"Oh, I've been staying at Cal's house in Long Beach," she told her, then turned her attention to Luke. "Who's this?"

Audrey smiled, looking between Luke and Rain. "This is Luke. He goes to my school."

"Hey Luke," Rain said, a smile on her face. "I'm Rain. I like your shirt."

"Thanks," Luke said, smiling back.

"You must be cool if Audrey brought you here. She never brings anyone."

Luke looked at Audrey skeptically, then smirked.

"Shut up, Luke," she said jokingly, rolling her eyes.

Luke chuckled, raising his hands in defense. "I didn't even say anything!"

Not even a minute later, Luke watched as some guy with bright red hair and a shirt with a misfits logo on it walked up to Audrey.

"Hey, babe," he said, handing Audrey a beer.

She smiled up at the pale boy, obviously happy to see him. "Hey, Mikey."

Audrey took the beer, but she didn't open it. Remembering that Luke was with her, she pulled him over and introduced them to each other.

"This is Michael," she told Luke. "And this is Luke."

Michael stuck his hand out to shake Luke's, then smiled up at him. "Nice to meet you."

Luke noticed that Michael had a really strong grip, but he seemed nicer than his first impression of him.

"Nice to meet you too," Luke said, but he didn't really like the fact that Michael's hand was now carelessly resting on Audrey's hip.

"You want a beer?" Michael asked Luke, offering out the other can he'd been holding.

Luke nodded awkwardly, taking the can in his hand. He opened it, but he didn't drink from it. He stayed quiet, trying not to notice that Michael's hand was now rubbing up and down audrey's back.

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