Chapter 2

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They say words don't hurt but they hurt me a lot. It's like I've just been stabbed in the heart. My best friends turned on me and now I'm in this alone. You can do this Narnia. You can do this Narnia. I wasn't even dating Lisa's boyfriend Chase we were just friends. I liked him but I never showed it or told him. We just acted like friends. I wish people came with previews. Then I would know what I'm getting myself into. If I had a preview of Lisa and Melina I would've never became friends with them. The times I shared with Lisa, and Melina that's eleven years I can't get back.

I saw a red headed girl behind me with blue eyes.

''Are you okay?''

I sniffed,'' Not really.''

''I heard everything they were saying to you they are awful people.''

''Shouldn't you be joining in with them too?''

She shook her head, ''No I don't make fun of people and besides I don't follow people I'm Taylor.''

''I'm Narnia nice to meet you how come I've never seen you around?''

She leaned against the wall while I washed my hands.

''I'm a transfer and it's 7: 32 class starts in three minutes we should go.''

''Yeah can I peek at your schedule Taylor?''


Turns out we have all the same classes.

''You have all the same classes at me we have math first it's so freaking boring the teacher always gets off topic and oh my god she loves stories,'' I chuckled and walked down the hallway ignoring everyone staring at us and rolling their eyes.

''Really is she one of those older teachers that love to tell stories about their lives?''

''She's only twenty two and she tells a story for each thing she does,'' I explained.

''Wow she has a hell of a lot of stories to tell I thought she would be forty or something what's her name?''

''It's very long  Miss Talcaminnikias we just call her Miss T.''

''Yeah that's really complicated.''

''Miss T this is a new transfer student I just met her names Taylor.''

''Oh I heard a lot about you Taylor.''

''Good or bad?''

''Good you've made straight A's since Kindergarten and won the spelling bee twice and you've won the math bowl three times for your old school.''

''I know you and Narnia are my top students these other kids are in here by mistake they didn't haave enough space for them in the other class so they put them in honors,'' she whispered.

I looked at Taylor and smiled. 



''After lunch we go home isn't that sweet?''

''Yes I've never been to a school like that.''

We were walking from the line and I saw Lisa. She threw her tray at me and I got spaghetti all over me. I was furious. Taylor looked furious too.

''Why did you do that on purpose do you know her?''

She flipped her hair and said, ''I wish I didn't know her,'' and spit out her gum on Taylor's shirt. Then she walked over to her boyfriend Chase

''This bitch she's gonna get what's coming to her,'' Taylor said.

''Our clothes are ruined.''

''I brought extra clothes they're in my bag,'' Taylor told me.

''Oh good thank you so much,'' I said as she took my arm and we ran out the cafeteria.

We finally reached the bathroom and I went into the stall and changed my clothes. I heard two girls talking.

''Did you see Narnia her clothes were covered in spaghetti?''

That sounds like Lisa's voice.

''Yeah I saw and that irrelevant bitch she was with who was she?''

That's Melina's voice!

''I heard her name is Taylor or something let's get them both tomorrow in PE I heard they have all classes together,'' Lisa said.

I bet she's doing a hair flip right now.

''Yeah when we're playing flag football let's just go for her and Taylor and throw the ball at their heads.''

''Sounds like a plan I'm gonna throw that ball so hard they're gonna have an imprint on their ugly ass faces.''

''Right on girl.''

Then they left the bathroom. We both came out of our stalls.

''Did you hear that?''

''Yes but what they don't know is that I'm athletic they're stick skinny I was faster than all the boys and girls in my gym class I even fought a boy before,'' Taylor explained.

''I'm pretty athletic too I may seem like a quiet girl that's not athletic but I'm faster than the boys and girls too they run like they're in fucking slow motion,'' I chuckled.

''Yeah we'll show them.''

''Yeah oh that's the bell Narnia well I'll see you tomorrow.''

''Wait this make me seem like a stalker but where do you live because there is a vacant house and they said new neighbors might move in.''

''I live on main street in house 542.''

''I live in house 532 that's right across the street let's walk home together.''

''Sure Narnia.''

I made a new friend that is actually loyal. She's actually cool.

''This is my house Narnia see you tomorrow,'' she waved and I watched her cross the street.


''How was school Narnia?'' my  brother asked.

''Same as always but I made another friend she lives across the street.''

''Oh she's the new person that moved in that's great you made a new friend.''

''Yeah she's athletic, smart, funny, she's not like the other girls.''


I live with my brother because my Mom and Dad died in a car crash. He's only twenty six and he works for the newspaper. He is all I've got left in this family.

''When are you gonna bring home your boyfriend?''

I've had one or two boyfriends but I never told my brother about them because I thought he would try to kill them or something. I haven't kissed any of them so I've never had my first kiss.

''Never James.''

''Have you ever even had a boyfriend?''

''Yes but I've never told you because I thought you will kill them or something.''

''If he breaks your heart or something yes I'm gonna kill him.''

''Not literally though right?''

''No you just killed the joke Narnia.''

''Shut up I'm going to get in the shower.''


I hopped in the shower and sang a song. I sang It's Like Summer by Lux. (The girls in it are from dance moms. One of the girls that were in Sia's videos Maddie Ziegler is in it. Dance Moms is my show! )

I out on my pajamas, did my homework, and went to bed thinking of what tomorrow will bring.

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