Chapter 17

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It's been another week in this boring hospital. Can't leave my bed can't move around. No wonder people try to escape and leave. I feel much better though they say I'm still not fully recovered. I feel like I've recovered I've been in here for three weeks at the most. I don't know I can't keep up with the days. I heard a distinctive knock on the door and I automatically knew who it was. Taylor. It's almost midnight and my brother still hasn't visited me. He said he would visit me everyday no matter what. Maybe he's working.

''Hey Taylor,'' I said with a sad smile.

''Sorry I was late I had to do homework and babysit why the sad smile?''

''My brother hasn't came yet.''

The hospital phone rang.

''Hey I can't come I'm with my girlfriend.''

''Oh okay bye.''

''Does a promise mean anything these days? He promised...''

Taylor comforted me, ''I know he's your brother he'll come see you tonight he promised.''

''He just said he can't come though he broke my promise it hurts my heart but I'm not gonna cry I'm just not gonna care fuck him.''

''Damn right we're in this together.''

''Best friends forever.''

''Haha yes I really miss having you beside me in school.''

''Aww me too.''

''Damnit my Mom's texting me to come home I have to go.''

''Bye Tay!''

''Hasta Manana Narnia!''

''I thought you took Latin?''

''Hell no I did but I got out the first day I didn't even know how to say hello.''

''Haha damn well see you tomorrow!''


And she was gone just like that. No visit from brother. No other phone call.

The Next Day 4:00 PM

Narnia saw a strange guy standing over and he kissed her forehead.

''Who the hell are you?''

''I'm your brother James silly sorry I couldn't see you yesterday.''

Narnia sat up and looked confused, ''Who?''

''Your brother stop trying to act like you don't remember me stop playing tricks on me.''

''I'm not I really don't know who you are, Nurse!''


''Who is this guy?''

''Your brother.''

''No he's not I don't know him.''

''Oh god she lost her memory I'm getting the doctor.''

The nurse showed her a few pictures of people she knew. She only recognized Taylor. She remembered who she was but not her brother.

The doctor came in quickly.

''Amnesia is when you forget everything but this is different she just doesn't remember her brother.''

James began crying, ''Maybe if I would've just took time out of my day yesterday to visit her she would remember me...''

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is crappy. I really have writer's block. It's serious.....

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