Chapter 16

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Narnia POV

It's been a week since I've been in the hospital. It's tough being in the hospital. Taylor and my brother have been visiting me everyday. My work has been brought to me everyday too. I'm still trying to study as hard as I can despite being in the hospital with all these injuries. I was just finishing my homework when Jackson came in.

''Please take me back!''

''No get out nurse!''


''I don't want him in here.''

''Yes exit please sir!''

He's still trying to win me back haha! Taylor suddenly walked in.

''Oh hey girl how's school?''

''Boring you're not there!''

''Aww make the best of it girl have you gotten your grades up?''

''Yes matter of a fact that E is now an A minus.''

''That's good girl you're doing great social life?''



They both burst out laughing.

''Ah Melina got her clothes ruined she slipped and it was a wet floor sign she was too busy on Instagram and slipped.''

''Wow Karma's a real bitch right?''

''Exactly Narnia I can't wait till you get out!''

Narnia laughed, ''You're acting like I'm in prison girl I'm in the hospital haha!''

''I know I just really miss you!  I saw Jackson leave you back with him?''

''Hellllll nahhh!''


''He came to ask me to take him back.''

''Wow I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for not believing you about Kira.''

''Really it's okay let's just forget about that are you staying at the same school for all four years?''

Taylor smiled, ''Damn right we're in this together!''

''Best friends forever!''

''Ooh that should be our handshake.''

''Yes you say we're in this together and we both say best friends forever corny but we could work with it,'' Taylor chuckled.

''Haha yes we're in this together!''

They said in unison, ''Best friends forever!''

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