Chapter 26

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I looked at him my eyebrows furrowing, ''Excuse me what did you just say?''

''I said you're gonna have to be expelled.''

Expelled? It can't be. Was I set up?

''No you've got it all wrong principal look at the cameras!''

''What part of the hallway were you in?''

''The back of the school my locker that hallway.''

''The back hallway's camera is broken and needs to be replaced so it doesn't work.''

''I'm being set up Principal Griffin can't you see? Melina doesn't like me so she's setting me up I'm sure she's planned this, she's a psychotic bitch.''

''Language!'' the principal yelled and slammed his hands on his desk knocking his iPhone off his desk.

''Sorry I'm just so angry.''

He picked his phone up, ''Well I need to call your brother just go and sit in the office.''

I walked to the office bravely and sat down in the chair. I was in there with a guy and staff.

''Aye what are you in here for?'' he asked in a deep voice.

''Wow your voice is deep, I'm getting expelled what about you?''

''My parents are coming to get me I have a doctor's appointment why are you getting expelled?''

He's really nosy.

''Long story I got blamed for something and now I'm leaving this school for good.''

''Oh I'm Kameron spelled with a K.''

''Ooh that's unique I'm Narnia,'' I said laughing.

''That's a pretty name you a freshman?''

''Yep what about you?''

''I'm a sophomore oh there's my Mom,'' he said and he stood up.


His Mom signed him out and he walked out.

I saw my brother walk in looking angry. For who knows why? I didn't do anything wrong.

''You missy we're gonna have a little talk when we get home have a nice day ladies,'' my brother said and gripped my arm.

We got in the car and he drove.

''Are you okay? James?''

''No I'm not okay we'll talk when we get in the house.''

I opened the door to the house and he slammed it behind him.

''What the hell did you do Narnia? You're fucking expelled.''

''You know what I 'did' obviously because the principal told you Melina set me up.''

''You had a knife in your hand what the hell is wrong with you?''

''Nothing she had the knife in her hand I snatched it because she was gonna stab me and then they saw it in my hand.''

''Your behavior lately has been unacceptable can I even call you my sister anymore? I feel like I don't know you anymore.''

''I'm still your sister James.''

''I don't know about that.''

I grabbed my purse, my phone, my charger, and wallet.

I opened the door, ''Fuck you James.''

I slammed the door and left.  It's time for school to let out already? I'll go to my favorite café. I went to my favorite café and sat down.

''Hello ma'am I'd like an iced latte I've had a really long day.''

''Are you alright?''

''To be honest no but an iced latte will really help me out.''

''Alright one iced latte coming right up.''

I sat there quiet thinking about the argument my brother and I had just had. I had thought about everything that's happened these few months. I've been in the hospital, suspended, humiliated, almost killed, my ex-boyfriend died, my brother's mad at me, I lost two friends, I got into a fight. I never knew high school would be this drama filled in high school.

''Here's your coffee Miss.''

I sat alone for awhile and sipped my latte. Then a creepy old man sat across from me.

''Hey sexy.''

''Go away perv! Someone!''

He ran out the door quickly.

''Ugh people.''

''Miss we're closing in two minutes.''

''H-Huh? What time is it?''

''It's eight o'clock.''

''Really? I need to go then.''

''Be safe.''

I wandered in the cold dark and I went to the park and slept. There was a homeless man beside me.

''You homeless too?''

Might as well say yeah.


''Welcome to the club.''

Yeah sure. Whatever.

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