Chapter 9

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It's the second day of my suspension and I'm bored still. It's seven in the morning I look out the window and see Melina, Kira, Lisa, and Taylor all walking to school together. My ex best friends. Well Kira was never my friend. I never even liked the bitch from the start because she was so rude to me. I was nice to everyone as always and then everyone was mean to me. You know what? I don't deserve to be any of their friends. Not even Taylor. I'm gonna get revenge on them. I texted Jackson to tell him to not show her the post about Kira because I don't wanna be her friend anymore. He said ok. How exactly can I get revenge on them though? Melina is bitch one. Lisa is bitch two. Kira is bitch three. Taylor is bitch four. Taylor is four because she's not that much of a bitch but since she hangs with them now, she has become one two. I can hear their conversation.

Melina flipped her dry blonde hair, ''So guys I'm having a party and you guys of course are invited.''

Melina's hair looks like it hasn't been washed in months.

Taylor smiled and began putting on blush, eye shadow, eye liner, lipstick, and foundation. She looks like a clown. Since she started hanging out with them she has to put on a bunch of make up huh? She needs to go back to being the country girl with the curly red hair. Then Taylor put her mirror back in her bag, ''Oh I'm definitely coming girl.''

Kira had on just a black bra and a jacket with high heels, and a mini skirt. Oh that is one slutty bitch right there. Kira flipped her long straight obviously fake hair from her face. Oh come on her hair was just at her shoulders like two days ago. Now it's down her back. Who does she thinks she's fooling?

''Oh we're gonna be the hottest bitches there,'' Kira said.

She can call herself a bitch but when I called her a bitch she wanted to fight me. She is a bitch so she might as well call herself one.

Then Kira said something that made me flinch, ''Guess who I'm going to the party with guys?''



No she is not! I like Jackson! She's not gonna ruin this for me!

Taylor spoke up, ''Did you even ask him?''

''No but when I do he'll say yes look at me I'm sexy he can't resist this.''

Yeah right if you call wearing a bra and a jacket and a miniskirt sexy then you must be one blind bitch.

Lisa put her pink hair into two ponytails, ''I look cute don't I?''

They all said yes. Are they serious? You're not cute Lisa. You can't pull the two ponytails look off. Who do you think you are? Finally they decided to leave to walk to school. They stood there and talked for about 10 minutes. I was hiding behind the trash can outside of my house. I went inside and called Jackson.

''Hey Jackson has school started yet?''

''No I got your message by the way I didn't tell her.''

''Good do you like Kira?''

''No I don't like Kira I told you she made my life hell in Florida why do you ask?''

''I heard her talking about some party on Friday and that she's gonna ask you to come to the party with her because you can resist her.''

''Pfttt please I don't even wanna go near her ooh I see her she just walked up to the curb what in THE FUCK IS SHE WEARING?''

''Haha she is wearing a bra, a jacket, some high heels, and a miniskirt.''

''She isn't sexy at all she's not even cute I wouldn't even go on a date with her.''


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