Chapter 15

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''I don't think she's gonna wake up for at least a week she got hit by a car she has broken ribs, scars everywhere, a broken arm,  both of her legs are fractured, and a fractured hip she may not remember anything sir.''

''Oh no please wake up Narnia.''

Jackson rushed in with Taylor. Narnia's brother looked suspicious.

''Why weren't you with my sister?''

''I was at Taylor's house helping her.''

James got in Jackson's face , ''You said you will protect her but you let her get hurt  I don't want you to date my sister anymore you're not right for her!''

''Yes I am good for her I had to do the teacher a favor Taylor is failing she wants me to tutor her and help get her grades up again.''

Taylor just nodded her head and sat in a nearby chair. Taylor was still injured.

''So you're not right for my sister whatever relationship you had with her it's over.''

''Whatever man Narnia can choose what she wants why are you getting involved in her love life she's fourteen she can make her own decisions right?''

''I'm her brother her only family our parents died in a car accident a few years ago!''

''I'm sorry.''

''Why are you arguing with Jackson brother? And....why are you h-here Taylor?'' Narnia asked in a weak voice.

James smiled and kissed her forehead, ''You're okay Narnia.''

''I'm in pain brother.''

''I know  but the doctor said you weren't gonna wake up for a week it's a miracle I'm going to get the doctor,'' James said and Taylor went with him giving Jackson and Narnia some time alone.

''How did this happen Narnia?''

''I ran into.....the street....because I saw you and her your hands were on Taylor's hips you were  about to kiss her I just ran in the street.''

''I'm sorry I couldn't control myself can you give me a second chance Narnia?''

She sighed and took a deep breath, ''No I don't give guys second chances you messed up and you should be with her if you like her so much.''

''No I like you.''

''You used to but what's the use anymore I don't really care we're over....get out and be happy with Taylor.''

Jackson shook his head, ''No it's not like that.''

''Just go! I broke up with you already James we're over why don't you get it? Leave!''

James was standing there smiling, ''My sister can make her own decisions and she just made one to leave, you play with another girl's heart.''

Taylor left with Jackson and he helped her out.

''I'm so happy you're okay!''

''Thank you brother.''

''I know why you ran into the street now...''

''Let's not talk about it brother.''

''When will I be able to leave the hospital doctor?''

''Up to a month.''

A month is around the time of my exams.

''That's around the time of my end of the year exam.''

''We'll figure that out when the time comes Narnia for now just worry about resting and I'll come to visit you everyday.''

''You don't have to you have to work right?''

''Yes but I will take time out of my day to see my sister because I love you a day without you is a boring day,'' James said pushing her hair out of her face.

''Aww I love you too brother.''

''I have to go to work now I'll see you tomorrow Narnia.''

As James went out Taylor came in.

''Why are you in here? What do you want Taylor?''

She looked down then looked back up at Narnia, ''I just wanted to apologize for everything I'm sorry I turned into a total bitch and didn't believe what you told me about my sister.''

''It's alright this isn't the first time someone something and they didn't believe it.''

Taylor began to cry, ''I'm sorry I'm the cause for you being injured you saw us together and you ran into the street I don't like Jackson at all he's just like a brother to me I couldn't push him off of me because of my injuries.''

Narnia looked at Taylor, ''Don't cry Taylor I'm sorry too for whooping your ass at the party and for fighting your sister Kira I'll apologize to her too.''

''Haha you don't need to apologize to her she is a bitch but she's my bitch sister and besides she said she hated it here so she went back to Florida.''

''Oh good for her what do you say friends again?'' Narnia asked holding her hand out to Taylor.

''Yup friends again!'' Taylor said happily shaking Narnia's hand.

A/N: They rekindled their friendship! Trust me this is not the end! I love you for your support this book has 138 reads and 32 votes! My goal I for 200 hundred reads and 50 votes.





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