Chapter 11

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Today I'm going on a date with Jackson! My boyfriend! We're going to see a movie.

''Up for a date eh?''

''Up for work eh?''


The doorbell rang and I immediately knew who it was.

''Hey James we're going to see a movie.''

''Take care of her please.''

''I will James I always will.''

We walked to the cinema and he bought everything. Snacks and the tickets. 

''You're so sweet.''

''Uh thanks.''

We watched a sad type of love story  movie. She's gonna die. Oh my god. I started crying. Jackson comforted me and held me tight.

''It's gonna be okay.''

Finally that sad movie was over.

''That was sad I didn't know we would watch a sad movie.''

''I didn't think it would be sad the trailer wasn't.''

''It's okay it was a good movie still.''

He walked me home and we talked the whole way home and held hands.

''We should do this again.''

''Yeah I love you Jackson.''

''I love you too Narnia.''

When I walked in I saw my brother making out with some girl. Eww.

''Who is that girl?'' the girl asked.

''My little sister.''


My brother stood up, ''This is my girlfriend April she's gonna be moving in sorry I didn't tell you before.''

''Okay,'' I said and walked to  my room.

I hope she's easy to get along with. Or else living here is gonna be hell!

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