Chapter 12

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It's a Sunday and I woke up to see my brother and his girlfriend leaving.

''Can you do the housework please Narnia we work at the same job.''


I looked around and I saw tons of dishes, trash on the couch, and on the floors. I even saw spilled juice on the counters. His girlfriend is messy.

It took me about five hours to clean the whole house. It has never taken me that long. I went to my bed and took a nap. I woke up an hour later went to the kitchen and saw my brother's girlfriend on the counter while he was kissing her.

''Excuse me but I'm gonna make something to eat.''

My brother rolled his eyes at me, ''You always have to ruin the moment don't you.''

''Maybe if you were in the bedroom I wouldn't have to complain.''

His girlfriend spoke up, ''It's better when I'm on the counter though,'' she said not getting off the counter. I came to the kitchen to make myself something to eat and she's in the way.

''Excuse me but the microwave is on the counter you're sitting on.''

My brother got angry, ''Stop trying to ruin the moment you're jus jealous because you're a little girl and you can't do this type of stuff you always try to ruin someone else's moment get a life.''

I pushed his girlfriend off the counter and opened the microwave to put my instant noodles in there.

My brother got angry, ''Don't push her.''

''I can push whoever  I want.''

''No you can't Narnia go read a book or something you nerd,'' he said and laughed with his girlfriend.

I grabbed my instant noodles and threw it at them.

''Fuck you James and your dumbass whore girlfriend!'' I yelled and went to my room.

I thought my brother cared so much about me but he cares more about that girl. I called Jackson crying.

''My brother doesn't care about me.''

I told him everything that happened.

''At least you have me.''

Jackson is the only one I have now. Everyone has turned their back on me.

''How about I come stay with you for a while?''

''Will your parents let you?''

''Yeah I already asked them actually look outside.''

I looked out the window and saw Jackson standing outside with luggage in his hand.

I ran outside, ''You came.''

''What's he doing here?'' my brother asked .

I just ignored him. I wanted to say so much to him  but I held it in. But then I couldn't take it anymore.

''How do you think Mom or Dad will feel about this how you're treating me?''

He looked up at me and gave me a hug. Realizing what he had done.

''I'm sorry Narnia.''

I didn't return the hug

''You can go home Jackson.''

''Okay you sure?''


''I'm sorry you and Uncle are the only family I have right now April go.''

''What you're breaking up with me?''

''Yes I treated you better than my sister you must go.''

''No if you want to be with her you can.''

''No we moved too fast in the relationship anyway.''

''You broke up with your girlfriend for me?''


''You didn't have to.''

''I wanted to,'' he said giving me a hug and I returned it.

''Don't ever treat me like that again James.''

''I promise I won't.''

A/N: Eventful chapter? Good? Boring? Tell me!

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