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(Can't remember where media came from)

Luckily I was able to continue working the next day. And I finished everything early, so I had free time. Using that time, I went to Hanayo's room and knocked. The door opened up and Hanayo, in the remade new uniform, greeted me.

"I see you finished too," I said.

"Yeah." she answered.

"I notice Kotori changed your skirt too."

"Maybe she didn't want us to be bothered anymore."


"Y-You look really cute in the uniform." Hanayo managed to say.

"Do I? I thought you looked better in it." I replied.

"I don't think it looks that good on me."

"I don't think it looks good on me either."



"What would your response be if I... I..."

"If you?"

"Said I loved you?"

"I-I..." I didn't have an answer. "I'm not sure. Yet."

"But we still have a few hours before we're supposed to wash up and go to bed. Do you want to do something?"

"I wish summer was back. How about we go to the indoor pool?" I proposed.

"I don't see why not. Go change and I'll meet you there." Hanayo answered.

I waved and ran back to my room. Changing out of my uniform into some bikini laying around, I ran to the pool and turned on the jets, also warming up the hot tub.

Hanayo shoved open the heavy doors and waved to me.

And that's when it hit me.

"Hanayo, is that my bikini?" I asked.

"I just saw it lying around. Wait, is that mine?" she said.

"It is!" We ended up saying at the same time.

"I never brought my bikini into your room." I said.

"Same here." Hanayo mumbled. "Could it have been Nozomi?"

"Probably. But should we even bother changing?"

"No, I don't think it's worth it. We don't have a lot of time." Hanayo commented. Luckily, the pool wasn't ice cold by then.

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