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(Screenshot of my own)

I wasn't proud of my lantern, but it was a hidden wish.

I wanted Umi and I to stay together.

I wanted that wish to take to the sky, showing everyone our love.

Well, only because we wouldn't do it. Essentially, Nozomi was the one who got us together. I owed her a huge thanks, now that I think of it.

We thanked the worker and went on our way.

The sun was closer to the horizon than when we arrived. Was it that long?

I saw steam blowing towards me and followed the trail. A rice cooker sat there.

Only then I realized how hungry I was.

"We aren't spending all our money on rice," Umi said. Then I heard footsteps and frantic speaking.

Kotori came running our way.

"I won these for you two!" she exclaimed. "I had to put a ton of tickets in the raffle."

"You know you didn't have to do that." Umi sighed.

"I guess it's too late now," I said with a smile. We took the stuffed alpacas from her hands and went on our way.

Leaves stained with red, orange, and yellow blew over and onto the festival grounds. I loved all the fall colors.

There were small shop stands scattered around. We stopped at a few.

"What do you think about these rings?" Umi asked. Although she never wore them, I knew Umi liked to collect rings.

"I like them," I answered. Umi payed the worker and was handed a small bag to put the 5 rings in.

And then as night crept closer, we chose to eat.

I was simply satisfied with rice, even though Nico made it for me often.

Umi hadn't decided.

"I don't quite like anything they have to offer. I'd rather skip dinner and have some sort of dessert, although I shouldn't." she said.

"Do what you want. We can't do this until next year." I responded.

After my persuasion, Umi just bought some manjuu. We sat on a bench together, eating away.

"Hanayo, I feel like we aren't doing enough tonight." Umi explained to me.

"I feel like there just isn't enough or too much to do." I responded. "I'd take a night at the castle, relaxing, together any day instead of a busy, loud festival."

"If we're going to leave, we should find Honoka first." Umi mentioned.

After we ate, Umi and I went off to find Honoka.

A crowd crammed up the path. I tapped on a man's shoulder.

"Erm... what's the crowd for?" I asked.

"The queen." he answered.

"We're two of her workers. Can we get through?" Umi asked.

"Hmph. Fat chance. You probably just want to see the queen." he responded.

"Honoka!" Umi yelled. The crowd parted. Honoka came rushing through.

"Umi! Hanayo! I was looking for you!" she exclaimed, hugging us.

"We were going to leave." I said.

"I don't mind!" Honoka answered. She was always pretty open minded, unless it came to things she was forced to do.

"I suppose that's it," Umi said.


A/N: Sorry! I haven't updated in forever. School got in the way. I'm going to try to get back into the routine of almost-daily updates!

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