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(Media: ask-school-idols.tumblr.com)

We decided on not sleeping in the same bed yet, but the same room. Luckily there were two queen-size beds, which confused me. We just had twin beds before. Are we really that special?

And there was a lock on the door.

"I think Nozomi still wants us to have a... deeper relationship..." Hanayo said, looking at the lock.

"I surely wouldn't be comfortable throwing myself at you nude already." I mumbled.

"Yeah..." Hanayo agreed.

"Hanayo?" I asked.

"Hm?" she responded.

"I never sleep with my bra on, I just had nothing else the punishment night." I said.

"I guessed." she answered. "We still have time, want to go to the pool again? It's 7 PM." Hanayo asked.

"I'm pretty cold. Could we just watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure, as long as it's not a horror movie. Work will be bad for me the next day if it is." Hanayo said with a laugh.

As we browsed the options on the movie application on the TV, I stopped at a G-rated movie for a moment.

"I loved this animation studio as a kid, but never saw this." I said.

"I hadn't either. And I saw every movie by them that came out, until I begun working here. Is it new?" Hanayo asked.

"No, I would have been two when it came out. So you would have been around one. Which is probably why we didn't see it." Umi answered. "I'm actually kind of excited to see what I missed out on. Should we watch it?"

"I don't see why not. But should we change first? I want to be comfortable." Hanayo said.

"Agreed. They didn't move our clothes, so we'll have to meet back here." I answered. She opened the door and walked out, separating paths with me so we could change. I felt content with life now, and I could just be a love struck teen.

But I didn't care.

Hanayo came back into the room as I was waiting for the movie to load. "It's been a minute, and it's halfway through so don't worry." I said. She tucked under the covers and leaned my head onto my shoulder, feeling happiness as the animation started.

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