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We were getting married.

Honoka was so happy, she's paying for the whole wedding.

And upping Nico's paycheck for the day.

For now, Hanayo and I were getting days off until she left.

Everything was cleaned, the only thing we had to do was help Nico clean up after meals, and that wasn't a struggle.

Today we were going to the ice rink, and couldn't help clean after lunch.

"Umi, I can't remember how these things work. And they're pretty heavy. Can you help me?" Hanayo asked. I nodded and walked over, after renting my ice skates.

Soon, we were suited up and headed onto the ice. We both stumbled, yet stuck to the wall until we got the hang of it.

Off the wall, the icy chill hung in the air. I turned around to look for Hanayo, only to find her on the ground.

"Do you need help?" I asked, nervous.

"I'm pretty sure I do," she answered with a laugh. I pulled her up, only for me to fall.

We continued the cycle for a bit, laughing and getting pains.

I'd say it was worth it, if it meant spending time with Hanayo.

I decided to try and get up myself. The two of us managed, and continued to mess around.

After lots of fun and falls, the two of us decided we were tired. Exiting the rink, we handed our skates back and left.

The fall air grew colder as a breeze blew, a spectrum of colors falling off of trees. The leaves riding the wind was relaxing, after all that.

"You know, when stuff like this happens, I feel like we don't need all those fancy ice skates and all that. We just need to be together." I said, smiling.

"Yeah." Hanayo responded, entranced by the simplicity.

To snap her out of it and to please myself, I planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Let's just go back now," Hanayo said, flustered.

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