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(Media source unknown)

I stepped in through the stairs, and waited for Umi. She walked to the deep end ladder but noticed something in the corner.



"What's this?"

I got out and walked to her. A green water gun atop of a green raft, and a blue water gun atop of a blue raft. A sealed purple envelope lay between. Umi ripped it open and read the note.

"Hanayo and Umi,
Tarot cards.
That's how I knew you would meet, come here, and so that's why I set this up. And yes, I did the bikini switch. I also made Kotori change Hanayo's skirt in the morning and the cleaning plans. I set this up for battle. Not like murder, you don't need to kill each other. Don't do that. Just for a playful, fun time.
Nozomi." Umi finished.

The doors opened once more. Nozomi came in, and grabbed what she gave us. "I thought this would be a little more exciting."

"What are the rafts for?" I asked.

"To move around or shield yourself." Nozomi answered.

"Everyone ready?" Umi asked.

"Yep!" Nozomi answered as I nodded.

"3... 2... 1..." Umi started.

"Wait!" Nozomi exclaimed. "I have some rules. If you don't follow the rules you'll be punished."

"What are the rules?" I asked.

"You can't be on the raft if you're using it as a shield, you can't use your legs to move around on the raft, no going underwater when someone tries to shoot you." Nozomi explained.

"Go!" Umi yelled.

I filled the water gun, paddled towards the deep end, and squirt the water towards Nozomi. She was on the raft and blocked her face as she paddled away. I tried to follow her but ran out. Nozomi tried to squirt towards Umi and she pulled part of the raft up while she laid on it.

"Umi?" Nozomi said.


"You broke a rule. Stay there, for a moment." Nozomi said as Umi froze. Nozomi swam over and stayed behind Umi.

With a swift pull, Umi let out a yelp. I looked away, as for the bikini top was off of Umi. Nozomi got out, dried off, and left. As she left, she mumbled something about me getting aroused and us getting in bed together already, and how then her mission would be done.

I was not quite down for that.

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