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After stopping at a bakery and picking up chocolates for the way home, and relaxing together, it was time for dinner.


I forgot about Nozomi's deal.

I also haven't been thinking about how shameful it is to love a girl. Maybe it's okay?

I still think Hanayo looks like an angel. I just want to have a more cutesy, sweet relationship than an extremely passionate one. An extremely passionate relationship might be okay if I'm with Hanayo though. That's probably what Nozomi wants. As I walked in the halls, I couldn't help but think about how I had to kiss Hanayo in front of everyone. We weren't even girlfriends. But maybe we could be. Maybe, if she loved me back. I decided to let go of the thought for now and checked on Nico. Opening the kitchen door, I saw Nico watching over Hanayo.

"You've been spacing out lately. Why?" Nico asked.

"I... just have a lot of thoughts on my mind." Hanayo answered, working a bit quicker. I felt bad, because Nico and Hanayo still had to work. But I decided to not bug them and took my seat. On days off, we always sat and talked for a bit, but we didn't know everyone well.

After the filling dinner, Nozomi stood up.

"Umi and Hanayo have... something to show us..." she said. Honoka looked confused as we slowly walked. "At least for 4 seconds."

We stood there, with an awkward moment of silence.

"What is it?" Nico asked.

"You'll see," Nozomi answered. A redhead sighed as a blonde sat patiently.

Nozomi slowly walked around us and paused to whisper. "Do I need to shove your heads together?" That enough was motivation for Hanayo and her lips met mine shortly after. Kotori cheered.

"Oh." Nico said.

Nozomi, satisfied, sat back down.

"I-I think... I've always loved you Hanayo, for the short amount of time we've known each other." I whispered.

We quietly left the dining room. 7 notes were on the floor. I picked them all up, and walked a few rooms away with Hanayo. We sat down together and read the notes. I started by opening the one with the orange doodle on the front, from Honoka. Written in the same orange ink that the doodle was, it said...

I couldn't tell.

Do I see an Angel?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora