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(Media source unknown, friendly reminder to not listen to kodoku na heaven when writing a sadder part in fanfics)

I walked back into the room at night, Hanayo laying asleep. Quietly changing out of the new uniform with the half-open lampshade of fabric at the bottom, I just put on some large t-shirt and crept into my bed.

We were at the lake again. As Hanayo stared at the lake, I was watching people go by.

A muffled scream.

I turned around to see a man kidnapping Hanayo, mouth taped shut. I was too scared to move. Tears flowed down from the both of us as he escaped.


The light of my life, no longer here by my side.

And it was all my fault.

I sat straight up out of bed, tears on my face. Hanayo was next to me, and it was 3:18 in the morning. I must have woken her up.

"What happened, Umi?" she asked. I wrapped my arms around her as I quietly sobbed.

She wrapped her arms around me, and a few minutes after I stopped crying.

"I-I... I don't want you to be taken away from me..." I said.

"It's okay. Don't worry, I'm right here." Hanayo responded.

I fell asleep again, for 4 more hours, in her arms. Not being interrupted by a nightmare.

A gentle shake woke me up.

"Umi, it's the morning. If you're going to spend time in the shower, shower now." Hanayo said. She was already in her uniform. "I've been getting early starts, so I'll be off. Have a nice day, we probably won't see each other for a bit, unless we run into each other grabbing a waffle or something."

"Have fun or something," I mumbled to her, still tired.

When lunch came around, someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around to see the blonde.

What was her name?


Yeah, Eli.

She slipped an envelope into my hand and left the room.

I finished lunch quick so I could open the letter.

Rushing into my room, I sat on the bed, tearing open the top.

It was a map.

It marked a room with an X, and I tucked the paper into the nightstand drawer to keep it safe.

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