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(I just realized the fluff theme isn't staying through the whole time bear with me here, the first-time fluff writer. Source is ask-school-idols.tumblr.com)

Umi stared at me for a little while in the morning. I looked back, confused.

She then grabbed up and got a piece of paper. A map, of sorts.

"Should we go?" she quietly asked.

It was 5:00.

Our shift started at 9:00.

I nodded.

We quietly tiptoed out, into the halls.

I shoved open the large wooden door.

It was an empty room, with two letters sitting near the entrance.

I picked up the blue one and opened it carefully, making sure not to damage the contents.

"Hanayo and Umi,
Since I'm a guard, I know a festival is coming up.

I want you two to be a little closer, so I convinced Honoka to give you a day off.

The festival is today (7/13), and now you should read the grey envelope.

Have fun,
Eli" I whispered.

Umi picked up the grey envelope and proceeded to read the letter.

"Umi and Hanayo,
Eli told me there was a festival!

I wish I could come, but no. I have to make tons of things that don't get used a ton.

Believe it or not, I make clothes for other companies.

And quilts,

And your uniforms.

I need you two to come to me when your shift starts the day of the festival for fittings. You'll need a yukata, and I decided against giving you more money. You can pick a fabric, and the sizing will be brief.

With best wishes,
Kotori." Umi whispered back.

"So we can sleep in for a while?" I asked quietly.

"Or just pass the time." she mumbled back.

As we made our way back to the room, I kept my arm tight around Umi to make sure I didn't fall from my drowsiness.

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