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(Screenshot of my own)

There it was.

The sunset illuminated the festival that was in front of us.

I took Hanayo's hand in mine, and we walked in.

"Hey! Don't leave me!" Honoka yelled. She ran up, and Eli, Maki, and Rin tried to catch up too, as for it was their job to watch Honoka.

Honoka had a wallet in her hands.

She was paying, wasn't she?

When we walked up to where you had to pay, Honoka pulled bills out of the wallet.

"Hmm... this, and that... that's good for Eli, Maki, and Rin... And that's good for... wait, I lost track." Honoka mumbled, trying to figure out the math to pay for us all. I put out my hand, and she handed me the wallet and loose bills.

"Here. It adds to this." I said, handing her the wallet. "I'll hand over the money."

Hanayo stood quiet and close to my side as we all had to squeeze through the crowd.

We were free to roam after that, it was just that we had to stay together. I had no problem with that.

"I think when the sun sets most of these empty spots will be food stands." Hanayo pointed out.

Honoka had given us some money, so we walked around together.

"Look! I think that stand lets you draw on a lantern, and if you come back later, release it into the sky." Hanayo said, pointing in the direction of a stand.

"Do you want to do that?" I asked.

"Do you?" she answered.

"Why not? We have money to spend." I responded. We walked over to the stand, and I quietly handed the man working a bill for twenty exens.

He handed us lanterns, and handed us whatever we needed to use to draw on the lantern.

"Hmm... this is kind of difficult..." Hanayo mumbled.

I was just writing a wish.

I mean, what other cheesy things could you do with it?

I wasn't trying to be cheesy though.

That was just what I thought of.

"What did you do, Umi?" Hanayo asked.

"I wrote a wish." I answered.

She took that as an invitation to read it, in which it was.

As she read, I glanced at hers.

It was a flower.

I was confused, but pieced it together.

The flower was similar to the fabric on my yukata, and the leaf was similar to the fabric on Hanayo's.

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