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I was listening to Better Than Words by One Direction while we drove off to Louis' house. I don't know why but this song always hit close to the heart for me. Every since Louis grew into his music career with his band, I've always been their number one fan. Not like one of those crazy, major, "I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THEM," type of fan. Just a fan who loves their music and loves everything about them. The thing is, I've only seen them a couple of times, to be honest I completely forget their names sometimes. Maybe not a real fan huh? Well, I do know their names, I've just forgotten who is who. It's hard to explain. I never actually got to know them personally. I've had this song on replay for I don't know how many times now, but the minute the song ended, my Dad said we were nearly there.

After 10 minutes, my dad had parked up in front of a big mansion, really had me when they said "house." I sighed, feeling the nerves start to crawl up my sleeves again. I really hope they're nice, there are a few bands that only perform well together but never actually get along in real life. I don't know, I'm just really nervous I guess. From what I know, every time Louis called me to check up on me, I can always hear their voices in the background and they sound like they're alright. I stepped out of the van and jogged to the back of the van and opened the trunk. I pulled out my suitcases and saw my dad pick extend the handles on both of them and dragged them towards the front door. I got more and more nervous as I walked closer and closer to the door. When we made it right in front of the door, I saw my Dad reach for the doorbell, before he could pressed the button, I took a deep breath. I heard the bell ring after my dad pressed the button, we waited for a couple of minutes until a boy with blonde hair opened the door. He had blue eyes and after seeing both me and my dad, he smiled. Suddenly the nerves went away after he did, smiling back at him.
"Hey Niall, is Louis home?"
Dad said. So he's Niall, noted. Niall looked at him and then yelled so suddenly.
"Louis! Your dads here!!"
A few seconds of silence until I heard a faint voice yell back from afar.
After a few minutes, Louis came to the door. All the nerves had fully went away after seeing him when it's been so long. I saw his smile grow more after he turned to me. I missed him so much and now look at him, looks like such a grown man.
"Hey Sis,"
"Hi Lou."
I called him by the nickname I had used to call him when we were kids, he smiled. He got so excited, he ended up wrapping both of his arms around me, hugging him back, I nearly started crying because of how long it's been since I felt him embrace me. I tucked my face into his shoulders and hugged him tighter. We finally pulled away from each other as soon as I heard my mom call out from the car. 
"Hi Louis! Make sure you take good care of her!"
She yelled out, which only made Louis wave back at her and laugh.
"So Zoey is going to stay with you for roughly 3 months okay?"
My dad explained, Louis nodded as he took my suitcases from dad. Niall stepped aside and led me inside with Louis following after. I waved bye to dad and mom one last time as soon as I saw my dad step into the van.
"Have fun sweetie, Louis, please take good care of her okay!"
"Yes dad, stay safe like always!"
Louis said as I watched him close the door. I heard the van drive away as I stared at the door for a couple more minutes until Louis had snapped me out of my thoughts.
"You haven't changed have you?"
Louis asked as I turned to him, with a few tears in my eyes. He smiled gently and walked over to me to wipe the tears from under my eyes.
"They're going to be okay. You know them."
I nodded. But the thing is, I still worry for them, no matter what, I can't bare to lose anyone, I've mainly been alone all throughout high school and it's been hard.
"Come on, I'll show you to your room"
He smiled, I took a deep breath and nodded. He took one of my suitcases and dragged them up the stairs. I followed after taking my other suitcase.

We stepped onto the second floor seeing a long, beautifully lit hallway. with large frames of their albums over the years. I felt like I was walking through a hall of fame. He then walked me into a room 4 doors from the stairs. He had then opened a door leading me into an extremely large room. A  queen sized bed sat in the middle of the room with a big window across the room. 2 Nightstands sat on each side of the bed. There was a dresser with a mirror hung on the wall above it on the wall opposite to the bed, as well as a 2 door walk-in closet beside the dresser. It took me a minute to fully take in what I was looking at. It almost felt like a dream. I smiled.
"Do you like it?"
Louis asked and all that ran through my mind was,
"This is, too much. This is a guest room?"
He only chuckled and dragged both of my suitcases towards the sides of my bed.
"Believe me, I've had this room saved since we all first moved in here. I made sure the boys didn't choose it because well, it reminded me so much of you for some reason. I somehow always imagined your room every time I walked by this room. The window was always across the door beside your bed, obviously this room is much bigger but, you know what I mean," 
He said, I only stared at him knowing how ridiculously different this room was compared to mine, but I did know what he meant, I absolutely love the fact that he still remembers everything about the house, and our childhood. I was so worried that fame would get to his head, just like how some celebrities turned out. I'm so lucky to have him as my big brother.
"Alright, I'll let you get settled in while I cook lunch for you ok? Take your time. This is a lot to take in. We don't really have much planned today so take all the time you need to settle in ok?"
I nodded as he hugged me before leaving my room.

It took me almost an hour to finish unpacking everything, if anything I took longer trying to take it all in that I'm going to be living here for a couple of months. I sat on the bed for a moment and just stared at the window. He was right about what he said about my room back home. After hearing him tell me why this room was so special to him just made me less nervous about being away from home. I smiled and stood up again and picked up my backpack off the floor and placed it on the bed in front of me. I took out my Ipod and earphones from the front pocket of my backpack and placed them on the bed for a moment. I then walked over to the closet and placed my bag on one of the shelves beside a few of my clothes hung up by hangers beside it. It looked so weird how only a quarter of this closet actually had things in it. It wasn't one of those crazy huge walk-in closets where you can fit a counter and a couch inside. just a small square closet that could maybe fit 2 or 3 people when you walk in. there were 4 sections of the closet, on each side of the door was a large cabinet where you can hang longer outfits like dresses inside, and the 2 sections In the middle was an open section where you can hang shirts and anything not to long one the bars above 6 drawers below it. After closing my closet behind me, I walked over to my bed again and I picked up my iPod and earphones. I decided to put my earphones in and played a song called Shakespeare by Miranda Cosgrove. I felt like I needed to listen to one more song before having to go downstairs to meet everyone. Also, I figure the song would end by the time I find them when I get used to walking around in this house. I put my glasses on and made my way out of my room. I stuffed my Ipod in my pocket and walked down the stairs.
This mansion isn't as big as I thought, if anything it just looks like a normal home, just a lot of space as all. The song had finally finished the moment I walked into the living room. I pulled my earphones out and coiled them neatly to stuff them back into my pocket. 
"In here."
I walked towards Louis' voice leading me into a big dining room with a big table. I looked for Louis making me stop at the end of the table. I saw 4 more guys sitting with Louis with an empty seat beside him. Here come the nerves again. 
"Come sit next to me sis."
I felt like I was in the middle of the spotlight the moment I walked into the room, I could feel everyone's eyes looking directly at me.
I said shyly as the boys stared at me. I made my way down the table and sat down next to Louis.
"Guys this is Zoey, my little sister."
They waved at me making me smile and wave back.
"Hi Zoey"
Niall said as I smiled and waved.
"Zoey you met Niall the door. That's Liam sitting next to him,"
He pointed on the left side of me, I nodded and waved at the two of them.
"And this is Zayn and sitting beside him is Harry,"
He pointed on the right side, they both smiled at me which made me smile back. They all look intimidating...I'm sitting in a room with famous young men with the most talented voices in the world. I could feel my heart nearly jump out of my chest with how anxious I was feeling.
"The food will be here soon,"
After Louis said that a maid had brought our food on a silver cart along with 2 men behind her, who I assume were butlers carrying trays to the table.
"Cassy, I want you to meet Zoey,"
Louis said as the maid greeted me with such a warm and friendly smile.
"She will be the one to help you around here, if you ever need anything and we're not around, you can always ask her."
I smiled as she bowed. Flattered, I blushed after she stood straight again. She had then placed everyones dishes in front of them and my god the food looked absolutely delicious. Sitting in front of me was a neatly fresh cut steak, cooked well done with a side of mashed potatoes and beans. She continued to place bigger bowls on the middle of the table with more mashes potatoes and beans incase anyone wanted any seconds, as well as some gravy with its own ladle. She then placed a large plate filled with breadsticks as well as a bowl of assorted fruit. My mouth began to water.
"Ok lets eat,"
Louis announced as the boys began to dig into their food, I looked at each and every one of them as a few of them began to take a few more scoops of mashed potatoes and take turns taking a scoop of gravy. 
Niall said, I looked at him making me giggle.
"Oy! Niall don't take everything! You're not the only one that's hungry, you know?"
I heard Liam shout seeing him try to fight for the spoon to the mashed potatoes in the middle of the table. I couldn't help but smile more as soon as I heard laughter fill the table. Something tells me, I'm going to be alright staying here with these boys.

I'm Louis Tomlinson's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now