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The song i made up ended up on Youtube. The music room had a secret camera in it because Louis put one in in case i sang something new. And for the first few minutes it had 1000 views and nearly 500 likes. This what happens when your siblings with a famous singer. I smiled every time my phone had a notification from youtube.
"See i told you people would like it!"
"Well maybe its because i'm Louis' little sister"
I said as they shook their head.
"If thats the reason then they're stupid!"
Harry said as i giggled. Then i heard scratching on the door making Harry stand up and get it. As he opened the door, Sweetie came running in. Her paws landing on my toes making me smile. I picked her up and placed her on my lap as she curled up into a ball.
"So your birthday in on Saturday?"
Harry smirked as i nodded.
"And Prom is in about 2-3 months"
I said as he nodded. He sat down in a chair next to me as i petted Sweetie.
"Are you planning on asking anyone?"
He asked as i shook my head.
"Well if there is anyone in the school who would actually ask me then i'll say yes"
I smiled as i turned to Harry his face was 5 inches near my face. I smiled.
"Um... Lets go watch a movie with the guys"
I said as he nodded and pulled off, i picked up Sweetie and walked out of the music room and into the living room. I placed Sweetie down on the couch as i walked up to the shelf full of dvd's. My eyes caught one movie called The Princess and The Frog. It was my favourite movie when i was a little kid.
"You like that movie?"
I jumped hearing Zayn's voice.
I said as he smiled. Then Niall and Harry walked into the living room sitting on the couch as i put the dvd in. I sat down next to Sweetie as Harry sat next to me. Sweetie crawled up onto my lap as i brushed her fur. The movie started making me sit back. 

We were halfway to the movie, i smiled every time a song came on. I always sang along.
"Zoey? Is i was the frog would you kiss me?"
Niall smirked as i rolled my eyes.
"I would, if i was a princess"
I said as they laughed.
"You are though"
Harry said as i shook my head.
"No i'm not"
I said as they rolled their eyes.
"Ok then"
Zayn said as i rolled my eyes and kept watching.

We were almost done the movie, i smiled as Tiana loved Naveen back. I love this movie! I cried as one of them died but he got to together with the Evening Star in the sky. I smiled.

It was over making me smile. Then the guys stood up.
"We'll be right back ok?"
They said as i nodded and played with Sweetie.

Zayn, Harry and i ran up the stairs into Zayn's room to get his frog costume from last year.
"Who's gonna wear it?"
Zayn asked as me and Harry rocked paper scissors. I won. YES! I put the costume on and looked in the mirror.

I walked into the kitchen to see what to cook. I was starving. Once i opened the cabinet, i already had an idea. Soup! I walked over to the stove and put a big pot on in turning it on. Then i walked over to the fridge taking out red sweet peppers, lettuce and any other vegetable i could find. I placed them on the counter. I took out a chopping board and a knife and started mincing the vegetables. The water was boiled making me add in the vegetable and sauces.

After 10 minutes, i mixed the pot with a wooden spoon and tasted it. It needed some drops of Tabasco sauce making me run to the fridge taking it out and pour some in the soup. I mixed it and then tasted it again. Its perfect. I took my apron off and hung it on the hook near the fridge. I turned the stove off. I walked back into the living room to get Sweetie but Zayn, Harry and Niall were holding her. Niall was wearing a frog costume. I rolled my eyes.
"What are you guys doing?"
"Niall was turned into a frog"
Zayn chuckled as i rolled my eyes again.
"I told you i'm not a princess"
I said as Niall walked over to me.
"You might as well be in a play Niall"
I said as he smirked.
"Please, i'll take this costume off"
He smirked as i looked at him. I blushed.
"Just one?"
I said as he smirked.
"Just one, unless you want more?"
He smirked.
"Close your eyes Prince Charming"
I said as he chuckled and closed them. I leaned in and pressed my lips onto his. He put his hands on my waist. I pulled his hood down. I pulled off as he smiled at me.
"There are you happy?"
I smiled as he nodded. I smiled.
"Anyways, you go take that costume off while i prepare dinner"
I smiled as he ran up the stairs. I chuckled. I looked over at Harry and Zayn as they ran into the kitchen. I giggled and looked at Sweetie.
"Come on, lets get your dinner"
I said as she barked and jumped off the couch following me into the kitchen. As i entered the kitchen, Zayn and Harry were scooping soup for themselves. I walked over to the fridge and jumped up getting Sweetie'e food. I walked over to her bowl and filled it. I put the food bag back and grabbed a glass of water and poured it in the other bowl for Sweetie. I smiled as she ate. I heard running down the stairs seeing Niall slide across the floor into the kitchen. I smiled. I heard my phone ring making me answer.
"Hey Zoey, we'll be home in a few minutes ok?"
It was Louis. I smiled.
"Ok i'll see you"
He said as i hung up and put my phone back in my pocket.

After dinner Louis, Liam, Calum, Ashton and Luke came back. They said Michael went out on a date with someone. Zoey was up in her room writing a new song maybe.
"Anyways, what happened while we were gone?"
Louis asked as he sat down on the couch.
"Um we watched Princess and The Frog and after the movie, Niall dressed upas a frog and got a kiss from Zoey"
Zayn said as Louis looked at Niall.
"Really Niall?"
Louis said as we all laughed. Niall shrugged.
"Harry would have done the same thing!"
Niall said as i rolled my eyes. Then i heard the home phone ring. Louis answered.
"Hello? Mom!"
He yelled as i heard a thud from upstairs and then a yell.
Zoey. We all laughed as she ran down the stairs towards Louis.
"Yea mom she's-"
Zoey took the phone from him.
"Hi Mom! How's it going?"
She asked as Louis glared at her making her stick her tongue out at him.
"Wait what!?!"
Zoey said as we looked at her.
"You have to stay there for a few more months?"
She said as she sighed.
Then she handed the phone to Louis.
"Mom? How long do we have to take care of Zoey?"
"4-5 more months"
That was what i heard. I looked over at Zoey she looked worried.
"Ok mom, talk to you later bye"
He hung up as he looked at Zoey and hugged her.
"What did she say?"
Liam asked as Louis sighed.
"Our father is in the hospital, so they have to stay in Canada for a few more months"
Louis said as Zoey's eyes were watering. Louis hugged her making her cover her face into Louis' chest.
"I'm sorry"
I said as Louis nodded.
"Its ok Zoey, dad's gonna be fine"
Louis said as Zoey gripped his shirt tighter.

After 2 hours it was 6:30pm. Zoey was quiet sitting on the couch with Sweetie by her side. Then i heard the front door open seeing Michael.
"Hey Mikey"
I greeted him as he smiled and waved. As he walked into the living room he looked at Zoey.
"What happened?"
"Um.. I don't wanna talk about it... So how was your date?"
Zoey asked as Michael smiled.
"It was great."
He said as Zoey smiled a little.
"Good, theres some soup in the kitchen if your hungry"
She said as Michael walked into the kitchen.
"So what should we do?"
I asked as Zoey looked at me.
Then she grinned.
"Why are you grinning?"
I smirked as she grinned again.
"Hide and Seek?"
She smiled.
"Sure, who's it?"
Calum asked as she looked at Niall.
"How about Prince Charming"
She smirked as we all looked at Niall.
She yelled as Niall groaned and covered his eyes.
"1-100 Niall!"
She said as she ran out of the living room. We all scattered around the house.

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