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I was in the music room with the lads, Niall said we were rehearsing to Zoey but for real i was just practising Perfect to sing for her birthday. Louis, Liam and Zayn were planning out how the party was going to look like. Since its her 18th birthday we are going to have 18 Roses and Candles. So there are 18 boys that carry one rose each and 18 girls holding lit candles. The each boy gives her a rose and dances with her on the floor while the girl stands still with a candle in her hand. Once she has all her roses she will be surrounded by girls with candles then she will blow them all out. This party will be a blast. Luke and Ashton are in charge of her dresses. Her first dress is for her little entrance and first few activities and then there will be her last dress for dancing and the rest of the activities. Niall is in charge to help Zoey get ready and then Calum will be the one baking or cooking food! This party will be the best and i'm sure we will come home at 5:00 in the morning. I looked around the room seeing them all split up in their groups while i was here singing.
"Hey guys lets go shopping for her dresses"
Louis said as i nodded.
"Zayn and Ashton stay here with Zoey ok?"
They nodded as i stood up.
"Ok lets go"
Louis said as me, Niall, Liam, Calum, Louis and Luke stood up and walked out of the room. Then we met up wth Zoey, we froze.
"Oh hi guys, where ya goin?"
She asked as Louis smiled.
"We'll be right back, we're gonna out for awhile ok?"
He said as Zoey nodded and smiled. Then she hugged Louis.
"See you later then"
She said as she pulled off. She walked passed us and into the music room. Louis turned to us.
"Lets go"


We arrived at the mall as we walked out of the limo girls screamed as we walked along the entrance. Guards were pushing the girls away as we walked passed them and into the mall. We all put our sunglasses on. we looked around.
"Ok we'll split up. Calum, Harry and Niall you guys go look for the first dress while me Liam and Luke look for her last one ok?"
I nodded as then we walked off into different directions.

We entered the first store. It had prom dresses inside making us walk in. Me Calum and Niall split up as we walked towards different aisles.

After i walked passed a few dresses i spotted a light purple dress with blue and pink on it. I pulled it out. It had roses and ribbons dangling on the side of it and across the chest had a floral design. I smiled.
"Hey lads i think i found one"
I said as Calum and Niall walked over to me.
"Woah! That is amazing! Should we buy it?"
"Yea, i wonder what her dancing dress is?"
I asked as Niall nudged me.
"Of course cause you love her"
He smirked as i rolled my eyes.
"Do you want to pay for this?"
I smirked at Niall as he shook his head.
Me and Calum chuckled.
"Ok then lets go"
I said as we walked towards the cashier.

We walked into a wedding dress store.
"Ok her favourite colour is blue so look around for a blue dress ok?"
I said as Luke and Liam nodded. They walked off into a different aisle. I looked around.

I spotted a blue dress with a glittered upper part and the rest was all poofy. It was soft. I pulled it out and smiled. Luke walked over to me.
"Thats perfect, lets show Louis"
I said as we looked around for Louis.
I called out as Louis' head popped out a dress rack.
He smiled as we laughed.
"We found one"


I was here playing COD with Zayn and Ashton. I'd never thought i'd play another videogame in a long time but hey i miss it! I beat Ashton's highest score.
I shouted as Ashton threw the controller on the couch. I laughed.
"Damn why are you so good at this!?"
Zayn asked as he shot down the last zombie.
"I've been a gamer girl for 5 years and i've learned a few hacks and tricks"
I said as i paused the game.
"I'm gonna get a snack"
"Grab me a soda please?"
Ashton asked as i nodded and stood up. As i walked into the kitchen i heard the door open.
"Hi guys!!"
I said as i opened the fridge and grabbed a soda. I closed it and walked over to the door. They were carrying huge bags with a box in each.
"Woah! You guys had a big shopping morning"
I chuckled as they rolled their eyes. Louis walked into the living room making my eyes widen. I said i would never play another videogame again!
Louis yelled as i face palmed myself.
"Zoey's in trouble now"
Luke chuckled as i walked into the living room.
"Yea Louis?"
"What is this?"
He pointed at the screen.
"A youtube video?"
I said nervously as he gave me a straight face. I sighed.
"Ugh fine i played-"
He yelled as looked at him confused. He was happy, jealous and mad at the same time. What?
"No one beats my score!!!"
He said as i stood there frozen.
"You're not mad?"
"Mad?!? I'm furious!!!"
He said as he ran up to me and picked me up hugging me swinging me left and right. Then he put me down.
"We are having a contest tomorrow of who could beat your score"
He said as he hugged me. I laughed.
"Good luck beating my score"
I said as he pulled off.
"One person is gonna beat your score and the person is going to be me!"
Niall said as Luke hit the back of his head.
"Yea right Niall, you couldn't even solve a crossword puzzle"
They all laughed.
"Hey that wasn't very nice"
I said as Luke shrugged. Niall glared at him.
"I am very good at crosswords puzzles!"
He said as i chuckled.
"Anyways, what did you guys buy?"
I asked as they all froze.
"Uhhhh surprise?"
Niall said as i crossed my eyebrows.
"Do you gust have a date?"
I asked as they smiled. It didn't look very convincing.
"Uh yea! These are tuxes for Niall and Zayn"
Louis said as i nodded my head pretending i'm falling for it.
"Oh well they sure are very lucky"
I smiled as Niall and Zayn nodded.
"Well, i'm upstairs doing homework"
I smiled aa they all nodded. I walked passed them and up the stairs.

Once she disappeared up the stairs we all sighed in relief.
"Good god that was close"
Niall said as i nodded.
"Ok Luke go give this to Cassy so she could keep them safe and hidden"
I said as i handed him the 2 boxes. Then he walked off.
"So what should we do now?"
Zayn asked as he stood up.
"Well, we'll go out and find a place to celebrate and prepare for her birthday."
Niall answered as I held my chin. Then my face lit up as i had an idea.
"We'll go to my dad's mansion, he has a big ballroom"
They looked at me.
"Thats a good idea."
"Ok i'll call my dad to see if its ok"
They nodded as i took out my phone and dialled his number. He picked up.
"Hey dad? Can we use you're ballroom?"
"For Zoey's birthday?"
"Of course and make sure to clean up after wards ok and also have someone film the whole birthday party so me and your mom can see how much fun you guys are having"
"Ok and how's mom?"
"She's doing alright, i'll give her the phone, Hello?"
"Hey mom"
"Louis, how is Zoey?"
"She's alright mom, she's worried about you"
"I'm alright, i'll be out of the hospital after a few days, make sure Zoey is having fun on her birthday ok?"
I nearly cried.
"Alright mom, now get off the phone you're gonna make me cry"
I sniffed as i heard my mom giggle.
"I love you Louis, and tell Zoey i love her too"
I wiped a tear.
"We love you too mom,"
"Alright, now go have fun"
She said as i smiled.
Then she ended the call. I put the phone back in my pocket. The lads looked at me.
"Lets go to my parent house and see how big he ballroom is"
I said as they nodded. I walked over to the stairs.
"Hey Zoey get ready, we're going to mom and dad's house"
"Ok, be right down!"
I smiled. Everyone grabbed their jackets. It was pretty chilly outside and winters coming soon. (Its November 1st btw, Zoey's birthday is on the 3rd).

We were all outside as i saw Zoey just lock the door. She walked over to us putting her hands in her jacket pocket.
"Do you have the keys to their house?"
I asked as she nodded.
"What are we gonna do at their house?"
She asked as i smiled.
"Just a little reminder of how we had fun before i became famous"
I smiled as she smiled and hugged me.
"Ok lets go"
Liam said as we jumped into the limo.


I was looking out the window as we passed so many big houses. I remember this neighbourhood. I smiled as i saw Mom and dad's house. It was a big mansion. I opened the door and walked out of the limo. I looked up at the mansion and smiled. I could see my window from down here. Then the guys walked up beside me.
"Lets go?"
Louis said as i nodded and led them to the door. I slipped the key into the doorknob and unlocked it. I opened the door leading us into a huge room. There were 2 stairs cases on each side it was curved making an oval between the room. I ran in and smiled as i explored the open space. Paintings hung on the blue painted walls. I smiled. This was the ballroom. I looked at the guys walking around the empty space.
"Is this where you're holding my birthday party?"
Louis smirked
I giggled and ran up to him hugging him.
"You're the best"
I pulled off and smiled at him. I walked around the empty space again and then slowly began to sing.

But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms
And if you like having secret little rendezvous
If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do
Baby, I'm perfect
Baby, I'm perfect for you
And if you like midnight driving with the windows down
And if you like going places we can't even pronounce
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about
Baby, you're perfect
Baby, you're perfect

I sang as i stepped onto the first step on the stairs. I began to walk up them.

I just love her voice. I saw her walk up the stairs. I smiled. I looked over at Louis seeing him smile.
"Well this is gonna fun, just 2 more days"
I said as Louis nodded.

I'm Louis Tomlinson's SisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora