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After "Studying" (talking) with Zayn, we walked down the halls seeing the living room empty. I looked at Zayn.
"They might be in the music room"
He said as i reached the end of the stairs. I walked down the hall and turned to the Music room door. I opened the door seeing then all sitting in a circle. They were singing Little Things. I smiled and walked in. I heard Niall sing his part. I sat down in a chair away from them, watching them. As they finished they looked at me. I smiled.
"Oh hi Zoey!"
Niall waved as i waved and smiled.
"How was that?"
I said as they smiled. Then the background track of Best Song Ever came on. As they all stood up and smiled. Harry sang his part looking at me. I blushed. Then Zayn sang his part. Looking at me making me sing the girls voice. Then i felt my chair move seeing Niall pushing my chair to the middle of the room. As they sang the chorus i giggled. Liam sang his part as i smiled. Then as Harry sang his part, he leaned in close to my face saying
'Said i have a dirty mouth'
I said.
'You got a dirty mouth'
'But she kissed me like she meant it!'
I shook my head as he chuckled. Zayn sang his part then leading to the chorus.

After they sang, i smiled at them and stood up.
"Hey where ya goin?"
Zayn asked as i looked at him.
"I'm going in the kitchen to get a snack"
Then Niall stood up.
He yelled as i smirked and ran for the door. He chased me into the kitchen as i opened the fridge. Then i felt him pick me up.
"Put me down!"
I said as i giggled making him laugh.
"Ugh! I hate it when you guard the food from me!"
"I hate it when Sweetie guards you!"
He said as i smirked.
Ten the puppy ran into the kitchen seeing Niall carrying me. She ran towards Niall's leg and bit his jeans.
He said as he put me down. I picked Sweetie up and petted her.
"These are my new jeans"
Niall said as i smiled. I put Sweetie down seeing her walk to her bowl. I looked up on top of the fridge seeing her dog food. I reached for it but i was too short. Ugh! I reached again then i felt someone pull me up. I looked to see who it was, Liam. I grabbed the bag as he put me down.
"Thanks Liam"
"No problem love"
I smiled then i poured some dog food in Sweetie's bowl. I gave the dog food bag to Liam for him to put back. I watch Sweetie eat as her tail wagged back and forth. I smiled. Then i heard footsteps run down the stairs seeing Louis.
"Zoey your not going to school tomorrow"
"What? Why?"
"Cause we're hanging out he whole day tomorrow"
"What are we gonna do?"
"Well, we have a swimming pool in the back yard and a soccer field"
He smirked as i gasped. Soccer is my favourite sport!
"Oh my god really!"
"Yea really!"
I smiled and jumped around.
"Wait can you play soccer?"
"Yes but i'm not that good"
I lied. I'm the best soccer player in my whole team.
"Oh ok then we'll go easy"
He said as i smiled.
"So we go swimming first then Soccer?"
I asked as he nodded. I smiled.
"Ok anyways...Bedtime!"
He said to me as i pouted.
"Yes now get to bed!"
Louis said as i smirked.
"What are you doing? Why are you smirking?"
Louis said as i put my hands on my back, grinning.
"Oh nothing its just that-"
I ran.
"Hey get back here young lady! Lads!"
Louis yelled as then i saw Harry and Zayn blocking the stairs. I looked around seeing another doorway leading to the backdoor. I ran towards it and out the door. I saw the pool and soccer field already. Then i heard the back door open making me run towards the pool. I ran towards the pool and jumped in.
I said as i hit the water. I swam up seeing the boys at the edge of the pool. I grinned. Then i heard another splash from behind me seeing Harry catch me. I screamed.
"Harry let me go!"
We laughed as i pushed him off.
"Get back here!"
He said as i swam away. He caught my leg making me turn back looking at him. Then i felt his hand grab mine as he pulled me in close to him. He was near my face as i tried to pull off but he held me still.
"What are you doing?"
He leaned in as i smirked and splashed him with water. He wiped his face as he smirked at me and splashed water in my face. Then i heard more splashes, seeing the rest of the guys jump into the water. I giggled.

- - -

After that i was in my room all dry, getting ready for bed.

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