4. New Acquaintances

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General Narration:

Sky had gone through another day with her new 'companions'. Little did she know she was going to meet some more very shortly.

Sky hopped out of recharge feeling bright and awake, ready for the day ahead of her. As usual she awoke to Smoke's face outside her door.

"Do you wait there all morning until I come out?" Skyfrost asked. "Haha, um, no, uh you just wake up when I do sooo yeh." Smokescreen nervously replied back, rubbing his servo on the back of his neck. Skyfrost simply smiled and started walking to the main room, with Smoke by her side.

They both entered the room only to find Ratchet working on his computers. "Where are the others Rach'?" Smokescreen asked. "Optimus, Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead are out investigating an energy signature I found earlier this morning." Ratchet explained. The two young 'Bots nodded.

Skyfrost's POV:

"WOAH!!! JACK GET OVER HERE!! YOU TO RAPH!!! GET YOUR LAZY BUTS HERE.....NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!" I heard a scream across the room. I transformed my servos into my blasters unaware of the source of the sound.

I kept spinning trying to locate the sound source. My optics finally fell on a small figure, a human, a girl with black pigtails and a pink streak.

"Woah Woah Woah, Sky, calm down its cool, these are our human friends. " Smoke assured me. I looked at him giving him the 'are-you-sure' face. He nodded back at me. I sighed and transformed back to my servos. Smoke walked up to me and placed a servo on my shoulder. It felt...strange, but....pleasant.

"Sky, this is Jack, Miko and Raf." He introduced them to me, pointing at each human. They all waved at they're name being called, though the one called Miko seemed a little too excited, waving both hands in the air, like she was on drugs or something!? "Guys this is Skyfrost, she's new to the team, obviously. She's cool." Smoke explained. I waved timidly as they all stared at me, I suddenly felt quite claustrophobic being the centre of attention. Smoke broke down the past few days to them as they all listened.

The rest of the evening I spent with each human, they insisted on getting to know me and stuff like that, NOT my idea!

It started of with Miko, gosh how I wished I was one with the AllSpark at that point, that kid does NOT SHUT UP!! She started off telling me about how she watched this monster truck show with her guardian Bulkhead. She made me watch some.....it was HORRIFYING!! Blood sport! I am never ever going to sleep again after watching that! Then we walked into the main room and Miko plugged all these cords into this big black box. She grabbed this weird shaped thing, strapped it over her shoulder and swung her hand in the air strumming the strings. A loud piercing sound rang through the base. My servos rapidly went up to my audio receptors. "That. Was. Lovely." I said.

Then it was the small ones turn to introduce himself. We went into my berthroom, he sat on my berth as did I. Then he pulled out his laptop, "You uh, like computers?" I asked trying to start conversation. "Yeh they occupy my time most of the time." He said rubbing the back of his neck as if he was embarrassed. "That's cool, nothing to be embarrassed about." I assured him. That seemed to catch his attention. "Do you like computers as well?" He asked. "When I was surviving on my own it became vital that I knew how to use a computer and send and receive messages. They became a hobby." I explained to him while leaning back on the wall. "Its cool to have another friend who enjoys computers as much as I do." He said with a smile. We spent the rest of the time exchanging codes and algorithms. I downloaded some cool new Cybertronian tech onto his laptop, only some of which was compatible with Earths basic technology. He kept talking about math and stuff, honestly I can only take so much mumbo jumbo mathematical crap.

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