23. Teamwork Part 1

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Nightblades POV

"Ok we get in save Nightstar and out." Smokescreen was giving out orders. The last thing I wanted to do was listen to him, but if my sister needed help I was going to do whatever it takes.

I nodded in understanding, arms crossed, I was determined to save Nightstar. Optimus was running through a few minor details to the rest of the team like the ship and any guards that may be around. I didn't need to listen to that scrap, I just got off that flying hunk of metal.

I stood in the corner tapping my pede impatiently, wanting to activate the ground bridge and get going.  In the corner of my optic I saw the blue femme turn around and give me an unimpressed look. She crossed her arms as I rolled my optics and turned in her direction.

"Are you gonna listen or what?! Optimus is briefing us on the mission." She said, with a little more attitude than I would've liked, but I pushed that aside for the time being. "Sweetheart, I just got off that ship, I know where everything is and I know that there are guards around almost ever corner." I replied back. She looked taken aback and furious after I answered her. "Sweetheart?! Who do you think you are?!" She spat. "Listen, I'm just a mech who wants to save his sister ok!" I said impatiently, tired of this scrap. She relaxed a little and crossed her arms once more. "Well, considering you don't want to listen to Optimus, or anyone for that matter, you don't seem that determined to save your sister." She said. 'That's it! She's gone way too far!' I stormed up to her, "Watch it alright! I am more determined than anyone right now to save Nightstar and if you think or say anything otherwise you'll have another thing coming. You got it!" I shouted at her. By now everyone was staring at us. She glared at me before turning around and waiting for Optimus's orders.

I returned to my corner and continued staring at the wall waiting for the ground bridge.

Smokescreen then walked up to me and looked a little awkward, as if he didn't exactly know what to do. I sighed and faced him. "What do you want Smokescreen." I asked. "Look, I know we didn't get off to a fantastic start, and. . . What I'm tryna say is. . . I'm sorry." He apologised nervously. I nodded, "I-I'm sorry as well." I replied back sincerely. He put a servo on my shoulder, it felt strange yet comfortable at the same time. "Let's go save your sister." He said determined. I gave him a small smile, which for once wasn't forced onto my faceplate. "Let's go save your sparkmate." I replied just as determined. 'Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought.'

We were knocked out of our sincere conversation by the whirring of the ground bridge being fired up. I was ready to save her. Just as Smokescreen was. We charged through the portal and appeared in some hallway of the ship. And with our luck a whole squadron of vehicons were marching through the corridors and spotted us.

Once the whole group was through, the portal  shut behind us. I transformed my servo into my blaster and was ready to shoot them. "Autobots!" One of the mindless drones yelled out, as soon as the words left his mouth, a series of blasts were flying back and forth from us to the 'Cons.

Some vehicons were walking up to us as the rest fired from afar. I was shooting at the many vehicons that were charging towards me. I then caught sight of Arcee running up to me, I was confused as to why she was charging in my direction and not the enemies but I kept shooting. As she got closer she flipped over me and my optics followed her as she spun through the air and landed behind me, taking down a vehicon that would've shot me in the back and most probably extinguished my spark for good.

Honestly, I was speechless. Not only was that move flawless, but, she just saved my life. "Woah. . . Thanks?" I thanked her, my tone sounding slightly confused and stunned. She nodded in acknowledgement and continued taking down vehicons.

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