16. Sibling Love

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I pulled away from Nightblade tears streaming down my face.

"Hey hey hey, is ok Night. I'm here now. I'm never gonna leave you again." He cooed as he wiped away my tears.

"Promise?" I asked quietly.

"Promise." He answered with a spark warming smile. Best. Brother. Ever.

He looked down and his smile slowly faded away when he spotted my scratches and dents as well as the marks around my wrists from the cuffs when I was in my cell.

He held up my arm. "What is this?! Did someone hurt you?" He questioned, his sibling instincts kicking in.

I pulled my arm away from his grasp. Frightened to confess my allegiance with Megatron. I looked away, trying to avoid his gaze. I was ashamed of myself.

"Night. Please tell me. I don't like it when you're hurt." He said full of sympathy. I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly trying to figure out what to tell him.

"D-did you do it?. . ." He asked timidly, thinking I self harmed myself. "No! No. I didn't." I said reassuringly. "Then who did?"

I looked away. "Megatron. . . " I whispered.

My brothers faceplate turned to pure anger.

"Where is he?!" He demanded through clenched denta.

"Blade please. He said if I worked for him he'd awaken you. I wanted you back. I don't want you to leave me again." I pleaded.

"Why are you here anyway?" He asked.

"After you died. Cybertron was destroyed. Megatron came to me and recruited me. I know you told me stories of him and to never work by his side but he promised me we would avenge your death. At the time I never knew Megatron killed you. And at that certain time in my life, if it meant avenging you, I didn't care who's side I was on." I explained.

He was silent for awhile. "I also know you worked for Megatron. . . To protect me. Thankyou." I said. Nightblade looked up at me and smiled. "Anything for my little sis'" he said.

"But that doesn't excuse what Megatron has done to you." He said with a stern face. He got up and headed towards the communication hub.

I followed after my brother trying to stop him. It was pointless, he wouldn't listen to me and I wasn't even going to bother with sheer force, he's obviously stronger than me. If I'd grabbed onto his arm he'd just pull me along like I was as light as a sparkling.

We then reached the communications hub and the doors slid open.

My brother marched straight in, not wasting a nanoclick.

"MEGATRON!! What the frag is wrong with you?! You dare lay a hand on my sister?!" He yelled.

I partly wanted to keep listening, loving every protective word my brother spoke towards me. But I partly wanted to slap him around and shut him up! He was yelling at Megatron! He's already killed him once, I don't need him killing him again!

Nightblade was now right behind Megatron as he faced the front of the ship, not looking at my brother. Starscream watched from the side.

"Hey answe- agh!" Nightblade started, but before he could finish his sentence Megatron backhanded him, hard. He flew backwards and fell on his back, sliding a little.

"Blade!" I cried rushing to him. He was ok and recovered very quickly. "I'm fine sis." He assured me, getting back up.

He rapidly transformed his servo into his gun and fired up his cannon, his blaster emitting a strong scarlet red colour. He aimed at Megatron.

Megatron didn't hesitate to bring his cannon out. But instead of aiming at Nightblade it was aimed at. . . me. I knew if I so much as twitched Megatron would shoot.

"I brought you back to life! And if you want your precious sister alive I suggest you do as I say. Or else she'll be gone in the blink of an optic." Megatron threatened.

My spark was beating extremely fast. I stared at my big brother waiting for him to make a decision.

He froze. I know that look, he thought it over, trying to think of another way to get the upper hand over Megatron. No use.

Nightblade new there was only one way out of this. He lowered his cannon and his servo reappeared. Megatron did the same.

"Wise decision. You two are dismissed. I advise you don't plot against me. There are cameras and not to mention laser beak. I will be watching you." Megatron warned. Well that didn't give me shivers down my back.

My brother and I left the communications hub and headed for my berthroom. Mainly to explain what I'd been doing.

We entered my room and sat on my old berth.

"Are the Autobots still alive?" Blade questioned. "Yes. I was. . . Working for them. Undercover for Megatron." I explained. "Wait. So you know them?! They're your friends?" He asked full of hope of getting out of Megatrons grasp.

"Yes, they think I've been kidnapped by Megatron. Well, I have. But they don't know I'm a Decepticon. They call me Skyfrost." I said. "Hmm perhaps if they find you we can get outta here." Blade cheered quietly.

"If they are looking for me they should be here within the next few days or so." I muttered. "Ok." He replied.

I looked sadly at the ground thinking of Smokescreen, my dear sparkmate.

Nightblade turned his gaze towards me. He noticed my sad expression.

"Hey, look it's ok, we're gonna get outta here. I'm gonna get you outta here. The 'Bots will come and get you off the ship safely. If that doesn't happen I'll make sure you get off." He said protectively.

"Promise?" I choked, on the verge of tears. Tears of love for Smokscreen and my dear brother and tears of fright that I'll lose my brother again.

He chuckled at first. "Making a lot of promise aren't we?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood. He only really jokes with me, when I need it.

I smiled a weak smile. "Yeh I guess." I replied back laughing a little afterwards.

He wrapped me in a big warm embrace.

"Promise." He whispered into my audio receptors.

I hugged him back tightly, never wanting to let go.

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