10. Lost

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Skyfrost's POV

I had grown really close to Smokescreen, I mean I'm his sparkmate now. No one knew though, I mean, Optimus knows that about us but no-one knows we're bonded.

Optimus let me out on more missions, he seemed impressed with my recent performances and he seemed to trust me more on the field.

I walked into the main room, all the 'Bots were chatting amongst themselves, while Prime and Ratchet were staring at the screens. I looked up and saw the three humans sitting on the couch playing video games.

I looked to my right and saw Smoke, he smiled warmly at me and walked towards me. "Morning Sky." He greeted. "Morning." I replied back. He slyly wrapped an arm around my waist, I leant into him, smiling.

Optimus turned around and Smokescreen rapidly drew his arm back and I stood up, straight as ever. I noticed Optimus flash a small smile.

"Ratchet has located an object giving of a very strong signal, we will ground bridge to the location and search the area." Optimus ordered.

"Optimus. . . Another signal has popped up. Same energy signature as the other one." Ratchet explained. Optimus nodded at the old medic.

"We will send out two teams. Bumblebee and Arcee, you will accompany me. Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Skyfrost. You three will take the other energy signature." Optimus said, his voice full of authority.

We all nodded, accepting his command and set out. Optimus' team left first. Then it was our turn. Smoke and Bulk ran through first, I was about to run through until Ratchet stopped me. I turned around.

"Be careful, those two can be a handful." Ratchet joked. I nodded and then ran through the glowing portal.

When I exited the groundbridge I was greeted by a chilling wind. I threw my servos in front of my faceplate in defence from the chilling cold. I looked around for Bulkhead and Smokescreen.

"Where are the others?" I questioned myself. They were nowhere in this barren wasteland. I walked forward a little in the freezing, white, soft ground. I think its 'snow' as the humans call it.

"Where the frag am I?!"


Smokescreen's POV

"Where's Sky!?" I yelled at Bulkhead. "Woah, Smoke listen I don't know." He said innocently. I sighed. "I know, sorry I'm just freaking out. I'll comm Ratchet." I raised a servo to my helm.

"Ratchet, do you know where Sky is?" I said, slightly worried. "No. . . Isn't she with you?" He replied. "No." I said starting to freak out. There was silence until Ratchet spoke again. "I can't get her signal, either she's underground or she is in extreme weather conditions jamming up the signal." He explained.

"Well how are we meant to find her!?" I shouted. "I. . . I don't know, Smokescreen."


Skyfrost's POV

I walked through this freezing wasteland holding myself with my arms, trying to keep my gears from freezing. But it was futile. Ugh I felt like my actuator was going to freeze and crumble.

Why haven't the others found me?!. . . . The weather, its probably jamming my signal, great! Who knows when I'll get outta here. . . . Or of I even do. . .

I kept walking forward, I don't know what I'm looking for I just want Smoke. I want to be in his warm embrace. I want to feel his strong securing arms around me.

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