20. Retrieving A Loved One

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I've been spending a lot of my time in my berth room. Unable to bring myself up to the others, especially Arcee. Every time I'm with her she just makes a snarky comment that just reminds me of all the bad I've done and the mistakes I've made. I look at her and all she wants to do is extinguish my spark.

I know Optimus accepted me and said it to my face without regret, but it's not so much I don't feel accepted by them. I'm ashamed of myself.

I knew what was happening and I let it unfold right in front of me. I could've told the Autobots everything, left the Decepticons and not have to hurt my friends and betray them the way I did. But what's done is done.

I pondered in my berthroom, wandering around, procrastinating. Something wasn't right.

Suddenly Smokescreen entered my room. He shut the door behind him and walked towards me.

"Hey." He greeted as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hey." I replied, resting my servos on his arms. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeh." I nodded.

He slowly leant down and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss back, I missed it. In no time Smoke deepened the kiss, and became more passionate. He slid his servos down to my thighs and lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried us to my berth and laid me down.

He propped himself up with one arm while his other fumbled over my waist and legs. He continued kissing me near my neck cables and back up to my lips. I loved every bit of it. . . But something was still wrong.

He broke away from my lips and leant near my audio receptors. "I love you." He whispered, sending chills down my back. "I love you to." I replied truthfully. He returned to kissing me passionately. I knew it, I knew what was wrong.

I broke away from the kiss and turned my head to the right. "What's wrong?" Smokescreen asked slightly concerned. "I-I'm sorry Smoke, I love you I do. But, my brother's out there, with Megatron. I can't be having the time of my life while he's out there probably being tortured as we speak." I explained, on the verge of tears. I gently pushed him off me and stood up.

"I-I'm sorry Smokescreen I just- I can't-" I stuttered, my back facing Smokescreen as he sat on my berth. "I-I can't leave m-my brother with M-Megatron!" I cried unable to hold back the tears. I cried into my servos until I felt a different pair of servos turn me around and wrap me in a giant, warm, comforting hug.

"Shhh, it's ok, I understand. Don't worry we'll get your brother back." He cooed rubbing a servo up and down my back. "A-are we gonna g-go save him?" I stuttered. "Of course we are." Smoke assured me. He held my hand lovingly and lead me into the main room.

Once inside Smokescreen took charge. "Optimus. When are we heading out to save Nightstars brother?" He asked. Optimus looked taken aback by Smokescreens question but quickly recovered. "That other Decepticon aboard the Nemesis is your brother Nightstar?" He asked me. I nodded my helm, yes. "His name is Nightblade." Optimus nodded acknowledging what I'd said. "We will head out tomorrow, everyone prepare yourselves, tomorrow we will be returning to the Nemesis." Optimus explained, his voice full of authority. My spark lit up and fluttered around at the thought of saving my brother.


I awoke and prepared myself for todays upcoming events. This wasn't going to be easy, Megatron values my brother and he will do anything to have him on his side. I exited my room and stood waiting in the main room. I was ready to save my brother.

Optimus and the others entered shortly after and were ready as well, each of them checking their guns or blades. "We will board the Nemesis locate Nightblade and leave. Keep all contact to a minimal." He ordered. We each nodded in agreement, even Arcee. I understand her hatred towards me and her helping out with saving my brother meant a lot to me.

Ratchet warmed up to the groundbridge and we each ran through. We exited finding ourselves inside the Nemesis. "There are three places he could be at the moment. My berthroom, the communications hub, or. . . the torture chamber." I swallowed the last part of the sentence. Optimus nodded at me. "Arcee Bulkhead Smokescreen, you three will check the torture chamber. Nightstar Bumblebee and myself shall investigate the berthroom. Leave the communications hub for the end when we all regroup." He instructed. We each moved out to our designated areas to investigate.

I lead my team towards my berthroom. Optimus and Bumblebee each stood at one side of the door while I stood at the front. The doors opened and I readied my cannons. No one. Good. I gave the all clear and investigated my room to see if anyone had recently been in here. The datapads, chair, desk, all in the same spot as I'd left it when I was in here with my brother. No one had been in here since I left and Nightblade doesn't have his own room. So unless he has been recharging in someone else's berthroom, which is highly unlikely, he hasn't set pede in this room.

"He's never been in here." I explained. "Then he must be in the torture chamber." Optimus replied. I shivered at the thought of my brother being tortured like I once was. "Well, lets head that way, follow me." I said and ran off into the direction of the torture chamber.

Arcee's POV

We finally reached the torture chamber and the doors slid open to our luck six vehicons were in there. But we weren't completely unlucky, there was a mech in there hanging from the ceiling by cuffs. He looked strong and brave as well as protective. He had a muscular build and a dark blue paint job finished with grey detailing. I had never seen this mech before it had to be this, Nightblade.

Two vehicons stood at the inside of the door guarding it while two were working at computers and the other two were jabbing the mech with energon prods. We took them down flawlessly, in a flash. I raced towards the mech.

"Bulk, see if you can unlock these cuffs using the computers." I ordered. He went to the computers and started pressing random buttons, eventually he hit the right one as the mech fell to the ground, Smokescreen and I catching him. He groaned in pain as his optics fluttered open and landed on mine. "W-who are you?" He asked. "My names Arcee, I'm. . .friends with Nightstar." I explained. His optics lit up at the sound of his sisters name. "You know my sister?! Is she safe?!" He questioned desperately. "Yes she's fine." I assured him. Smoke and I carried him into the hallway and called Ratchet for a groundbridge. In no time at all a swirling green portal appeared in front of us. We walked through partly dragging Nightblade.

"I've notified the others that Nightblade has been retrieved." Ratchet informed us. We nodded as we placed Nightblade on the med-berth and Ratchet wasted no time in getting back to work. Suddenly the portal opened once more and the other three ran through.

"Is he alright?!" Nightstar exclaimed racing towards her brother. "He'll be alright he just needs some medical work." I explained. She looked at me and smiled "Thankyou Arcee." She said sincerely. I couldn't help but smile lightly, I nodded in return.

General Narration

"Um Lord Megatron?" Starscream said hesitantly. "What is it!?" Megatron hissed. "Um Nightblade may have been um. . . rescued by the. . . Autobots. . . " He said quietly. Megatron whipped around "WHAT!? HOW!?" He yelled at Starscream. "I do not know my liege but the vehicons in the torture chamber are dead!" Starscream pleaded, hoping he wouldn't get the scrap pounded out of him again. Megatron pierced his servo through one of the vehicons nearby. His optics full of rage and anger and hatred. Starscream whimpered and ran out of the communications hub. "ARGHHHHH!" Megatron yelled furiously. his audio piercing yells could be heard throughout the entire ship.

"You can have your brother for now Nightstar. But I will get my revenge."

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