25. Settling In

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"I don't believe we've met properly before." Optimus said, gesturing towards Nightblade.

Nightstar had had her injuries treated by Ratchet and Smokescreen was with her the entire time, as was Nightblade. The trio were now in the main room where Optimus was as well as the rest of the Autobot team.

"Uh, no. No we haven't." Nightblade started, "I'm ah, Nightblade, Nightstars older brother." He finished, holding his servo out like a gentlemech. Optimus smiled lightly and shook his hand. "I take it you are willingly converting to the Autobots side and against Megatron." Optimus assumed.

Nightblade then turned steely cold as soon as Megatrons name was mentioned. "Yes. I am completely against Megatron. I will fight by your side and follow your lead." He said. Optimus nodded in acknowledgement whilst a snicker could be heard from a particular blue femme.

Nightblade turned his helm and gave the femme a smug look, raising an optic ridge. "Is there an issue sweetheart?" He asked. Arcee scowled before answering, "Nothing, I just don't understand why we're now taking in 'Con after 'Con!"

"Arcee that is quite enough." Optimus warned. Arcee rolled her optics and transformed before driving out of the base.

"Did I do something?" Nightblade asked innocently. "No, she's just, sensitive." Bulkhead assured him. "You may want to refrain from using 'nicknames' though." Optimus advised.

"Whaaat..?" Nightblade said holding his servos out, as if he did nothing wrong.

"Sweetheart?" Ratchet questioned.

"Ok ok. But I can't help it, it's how I talk." Nightblade defended himself. "That is true." Nightstar backed him up.

The Bots left it at that and didn't make anything more of the situation.

Nightstar took it upon herself to find Arcee and apologise for her brother. She transformed and left but when she exited she didn't notice any bike tracks. She change back into her bi-pedal form.

"Where'd she go?"

After a few minutes of thinking she remembered the one place Arcee normally goes when she's upset or anything along that spectrum. She climbed to the top of the base, or from the outside, the top of the giant rock mountain.

Nevertheless she found the blue femme sitting at the edge of the giant rock. Nightstar approached carefully and quietly not wanting to startle her. She then sat next to her and waited in silence.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to apologise for Nightblade, he went too far and I'm sorry. It's. . . Just part of who he is. He. . . tends to bury his pain and anger with jokes and wittiness." Nightstar explained.

Arcee nodded in understanding, she wasn't truly mad at Nightblade, she never was. After he saved her spark on the Nemesis her earned her trust, enough of it anyways. All this business with the 'Cons had just brought back bad memories of her past, and deceased, partners.

Cliffjumper and Tailgate.

"I'm not mad, I'm sorry as well. I just. . . I do the same thing." She admitted, referring to what Nightblade does with his feelings. "I shove pain and sorrow aside but I fill it with aggression and coldness." She finished.

Nightstar smiled lightly, "You guys are similar." Arcee didn't say anything in return, just smiled and stared at the beautiful site that was Earths sunset.

The two femmes returned to the base happy and back to normal, no one dared questioned what took place or what caused the sudden mood change, too scared to set someone off again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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