24. Teamwork Part 2

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Nightstar's POV

The pain never ended. It was unbearable. The worst I have ever been in.

By now I'd given up on all hope. I didn't even trust my own vision, I kept seeing Smokescreen and Nightblade, figments of my imagination. But I knew it wasn't real.

I'd lost all feeling in my pedes, too long i'd spent hanging from my wrists.

Megatron had the usual routine, torture me for answers or complete and loyal dedication until I passed out from the unbearable pain.

He wanted to know where the autobot base was. But that would mean ratting out my brother and sparkmate, along with everyone else. And there was no way I was going to do that.

I just wanted it to end, and whatever form that took I was game.

I heard the doors open and I closed my optics awaiting my beating. I heard a voice, no, voices. My optic shutters slowly reopened and I found Nightblade in front of me.

How badly I wanted to smile, to say my thankyous and goodbyes. But I didn't trust my own vision. It was another hallucination.

Or so I thought.

All of a sudden the cuffs turned off and I fell down, but was caught by my brother. I looked around and saw my sparkmate run up to us.

It was real! They were actually here!

My spark was flying all over the place I was so happy to be back in the presence of the ones I love dearly.

"It's ok Nightstar we're here." Smokescreen assured me. A small and weak but thankful smile made its way to my lips.

Nightblade ran out, me in his arms and Smokescreen beside us.

"Optimus we found her, where do we meet?" Smokescreen said through his comm link.

"Ok. He said up top deck." Smokescreen informed my brother. He nodded in acknowledgement.

I turned my head towards the right watching  where we were going. All of a sudden I noticed Starscream step out from around the corner, minding his own business. He then caught sight of me and the two Mechs and gasped at the horror.

"Starscream!" Smokescreen yelled out in spite and hate. "N-Noo!.." I tried my best to wail and plea Smokescreen to stop. He looked at me and lowered his weapon. "H-he's my f-friend." I weakly stuttered. "But, he'll tell Megatron we're here!" He protested. I looked back at Starscream, staring him right in the optic, waiting for some sort of sign that would clarify where he stood with us.

"I won't tell, Nightstar, I promise." He finally said. I smiled back at him in thanks and we were off again.

"Did Scream just. . . help us?!" Smokescreen asked in disbelief as we ran. "Yep. I think he did." Nightblade replied.

We finally reached the top of the Nemesis and I saw everyone of the Autobots, except Ratchet of course. "Ratchet, we need a bridge." I heard Optimus say. The whirl of green appeared and we all started walking towards it.

"There they are my liege!" A voice yelled out.

I turned my head to see Airachnid standing by Megatron along with many many Vehicons as well as Insecticons. Starscream and Knockout were no where to be seen. I feared their fate when this was over.

Megatron aimed his cannon at the ground bridge and fired. Optimus' optics went wide and he immediately commed Ratchet.

"Ratchet close the ground bridge immediately!!" He commanded. The shot was getting closer and closer and at the last second the groundbridge closed, the stray fire from Megatron continuing on its path into the sky and slowly diminished.

"There's only one way off this ship Optimus." Megatron said deviously. Optimus looked as if he were thinking things over, calculating the best possible course of action. And it looked like it was going to be a fight.

Optimus charged up at Megatron whilst Arcee took on Airachnid. Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Smokescreen fought off the Insecticons.

"You'll be ok Star, I'll be back, but I need to help them, wait here." Nightblade said as he lowered me gently onto the deck, he then charged off into the battle, fighting ferociously against the cybertronian insects.

I felt so useless, I wanted to help so badly but every gear and joint in my body ached.

In the corner of my optic I saw Airachnid fire at Arcee with that icky web stuff. Arcee was stuck to the roof of the ship by her right pede and right servo. She frantically pulled at the webbing whilst Airachnid turned my way and started crawling towards me on her spider like legs. I scurried backwards, wincing every time I moved a limb.

"You're not going to escape this time traitor!" She spat. Like lightning, one of her spider legs went for my neck, she then lifted me up by my throat. "Megatron will be most pleased." She smirked evilly.

I scratched at the limb clenched around my throat, desperately trying to get free.

All of a sudden a blast was shot at Airachnids back, she was blown forwards, releasing me in the process.

"Focus on me." Arcee said as she charged towards the 'Con. Airachnid growled and once again engaged fighting with the blue femme.

I held my torso in pain and watched as everyone battled at their best. I then looked to my left and noticed Nightblade attacking an Insecticon.

I watched and spotted another Insecticon sneakily coming behind my brother. My sibling instincts kicked in. I jumped up, ignoring the pain that beat through my body, surging through every limb.

As best I could, I limped towards my brother, as quickly as possible. I wasn't going to make it in time. I aimed my gun at the Insecticon, "Frag, my target systems out," I cursed, must've been damaged by Megatron, "Scrap it, I'm eyeballin it." I said to myself before I shut one optic and aimed with the other. I shot the weapon as my purple blast went across the battlefield and square in the Insecticons face, blowing his head clean off.

I smirked at my own aim as I fell back down to the ground, exhausted. Nightblade turned to me and gave a curt nod in thanks before terminating the Insecticon he was originally dealing with.

Before I knew it, one by one the Insecticons started to fall, leaving only Megatron and a wounded Airachnid.

"Ratchet, open the ground bridge." Optimus ordered through the communication link. Megatron growled as the familiar whirl sounded.

One by one the Autobots escaped, Bulkhead, Bumblebee. Smokescreen ran towards me, picked me up and ran into the portal all in one swift movement, Nightblade close behind.

Over Smokescreens shoulder I saw Arcee and Optimus shoot at the two 'Cons before entering the portals themselves.

At long last we were all finally at the Autobot base, together, and safe.

Smokescreen gently let my legs fall to the ground but kept a hold on my torso so I was standing with his support.

In an act of love and gratefulness I engulfed my sparkmate in a hug, tears on the rim of my optics. I slightly opened my optics and saw Nightblade behind us, smiling.

I took one  arm off Smokescreen, as a sort of welcome to Nightblade, encouraging him to come over. He walked over and joined in on the hug.

Finally, back with the two most precious bots in my life.


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