Break up-Zane

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Hey so kinda running out of ideas so this will be short. 

Your POV 
Before I knew it Kai shoved me into the closet. Just one could he give me a peaceful Saturday night. 

"Great!" I said out loud. There was a shuffle and In came my sweet nindroid. I laughed a little maybe this was an okay way to spend Saturday. 

 "Hey, Zane.." I said becoming a little shy. It had only been a few days before Zane took you to a movie. 

"Hey.." Zane walked to where I stood. He even pushed me against the wall kissing me playfully. 

"Zane, what did your brothers say to you?" I said breaking after what felt like a long time

 "Nothing much.." He bite his lip and leaned in. 

"Y/n he simply did some research with me." I turned and looked there was no one else here 

 "Zane..." You pushed him off.  "What was that?"

 "PIXEL.," he said it so calmly. 

 "Who is PIXEL!" (PIXEL is in Zane like in season 5)

 "She is my friend. And Borg's former assistant. Her body was destroyed."

 "Where is she!"I was slightly panicking 

 "Inside of me." What the actual hell. That was the only thing I could think. 

"Zane this is creepy...can't u take her out?"Zane looked at you then said. 

"Why?" He looked at me so confused. Dumb looking even. 

 "Because it is weird! There's someone constantly watching you." I had interned with Borg one in my life before PIXEL was around he had actual human assistants. 

"No, it's not y/n!" Zane was raising his voice. 

"Zane if you don't-!" Then Pixel spoke, "Zane is amazing you are lucky to have him.!"

 "Ok that's it we are so done!" I threw my hands up and turned the door. I didn't want someone constantly with me. Besides, she probably understood him better than I ever could. 

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