I've watched Mean Girls

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Why do i feel everything is going to be a super awkward now. God no. Why did i get myself into this ? I should have just said no yesterday when he asked if i can sleep with him!

But i couldn't... It was like the little bit of self control that i had held had vanished into the air and had dissolved with the hopes that he actually liked me, more than just a friend.... What am i even thinking? Gosh!!

I sighed and got off the bed. I went into the kitchen and made breakfast. I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and it was Ray. Okay well obviously it had to be him or not that's just creepy.

"Hey whatcha cooking?" He asked while looking up at me away from his phone screen.

"Waffles." I anwered. While handing him a cup of coffee.

"Yumm and thanks" he said as he started sipping the coffee. Is it weird that i know he likes his coffee the way i like mine as well?

The waffles were done and we were now on the couch eating waffles while watching tv.

"Hey Mimi i need to leave now I'll see you later." He said as he slid his phone into his pocket and rushed out.

We were watching Ellen and i was laughing too hard but for some reason when he said he had to leave i remembered everything that had happened, the last time. Me asking where he was going and all. I noded. Not wanting to create a scene between us. He walked out quickly.

I still don't get it why he has to leave. But i do get it that it's not to see his friends. Beacuse if that were true he might have asked me. Since I've already met them. Aghhhh why am i so angry!!

Maybe it's because I'm too stressed? I needed to relax so i made another cup of coffee. What? There's no such thing as too much coffee! I continued watching Ellen and started laughing along. Trying to supress the growing feeling of lonilness in me while i sat alone on the couch in an abandoned dorm.

I decided i needed to check the school out. I need to see what classes they offer. Plan my schedule. Maybe even go to the mall and get stationary. My mind was racing with possibilities. I walked out equipped with my ipod blasting my jam which basically changes everyday because lets face it music is bae.

I scrolled through instagram as i walked down to the lobby area. I smiled at the receptionist there for the dorms. This place feels like a hotel to me the more i stay here. Who has a receptionist in a school? Okay...scratch that. I asked her the directions to the school's main building and walked towards it.

I was lost in the song and instagram that i accidentally bumped into someone. Clara.

"Hey Naomi, what a coincidence" she smiled politely. I awkwardly stood there. Smiling back at her.

"Come with me I'll help you settle your stuff school starts on Monday you know?" she says.

"Thanks" i smile. I'm glad i ran into someone i knew. I wouldn't have been able to locate my way in this school. It's huge.

I found out that Clara is pretty sweet and popular. So that means I'm probaly with the popular squad in this school. I don't know how to feel about this. I mean I wasn't socially awkard and i was somewhat well known in my previous school but never with the popular kids. I've watched Mean Girls too many times and my innner senses kicked in letting me know that this could be a bad idea.

But I'm in desperate need of friends and i can't refuse the offer to hang out with them that is if they ask me to... Clara volunteered to bring me shopping and squealed as she planed a 'girls day out' kinda thing. She rambled on about how she's gonna ask Linsey, Aria and Layla to join us.

For some reason Linsey and Clara are nice but they are honest people and i don't know if i can handle that if you know what i mean. They speak their mind and I'm okay with that but it's different from my personality. I still smile and approve of the plan quickly so that i don't overthink anything.

Once i got my schedule and Clara went on to tell me that Aria, Linsey, Asher, Jason and herself are in the same year as me. And that Zed, Ray, Layla and Chase are in the same year beacuse all of them are 17. While the rest of us are 16.

Before i knew it, I'm in the Mall waiting with Clara for the rest of the girls to show up. I haven't hung out with friends well like 'just us girls' kinda thing for a long time.

I guess moving to an unknown place far far away with my mum has taken a toll on my so called social life. I shake the memories away and my mind automatically goes to Ray and what he would be doing now. And i started to blush when i thought about last night. We did nothing wrong but just the thought of me and him being together lights my skin on fire in an absolute way only he could.

I pinky promise that the story will be much more interesting! Hahaha! Bear with the mistakes though, it's not edited!

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