It was my fault

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Ray's P.O.V

I walked into the dorm. I couldn't smell her. Where was she? I hope she's feeling better.

I couldn't even focus today my mind was thinking of ways to make it up to Mimi. Does she still love me? I shook my head. These thoughts were scaring me....

"Mimi?" I shouted.

I walked into the room. Her scent was faint. I couldn't smell her. She was in here a few hours ago. Where could she have gone? Maybe she still needed her space... My heart was clenching. It was this odd feeling telling me that something was amiss. Something was wrong....

That's when a neatly folded piece of white paper caught my attention. It sat there on the coffee table. My heart was thumping so loud.

Could she have.. NO. She wouldn't leave me. She wouldn't have....I walked as slowly as i could to the table. I picked up the paper and opened it.


I can't do this. Not right now. It's killing me alive to stay here. To see all of you suffer. This is the best for us. I love you.


At that moment it didn't matter if i was the Alpha of a pack or just a seventeen year old boy, i fell to my knees. I was utterly broken. Those words had crushed me. It had crushed all of me.

She said she loves me. But she left me. I made her leave. It was my fault. Maybe if things were different we would be here together. I would never scare her again. I would never play pranks. I'll watch Pretty Little liars with her all day. I would never let her cry.

But she left. What she didn't know was when i told her we were mates that she was literally connected to me. She had actually taken away a part of me.

I stood up and ran. I ran behind her fading scent. I ran till the rose hills bus station. And then i couldn't smell her... there were too many other scents and it was at the border of Rose Hills.

She had left hours ago. Her scent is almost gone. Since she isn't marked i cannot use the mate bond to track her. I pulled my hair in fustration and groaned. Heads shot in my direction sending worried glances.

Their Alpha was in destress and it worried them. I mind linked the whole town. To search for her. And i told them in the worst time possible that she was their Luna. My mate. My only.

Gasps and shrieks filled the town. Everyone was frantically searching for her. Mimi's father came rushing to me. His eyes red. He's been suffering too. His own daughter rejected his love and he's been trying to give her space too. But now she's left us. All of us.

Behind Rob, Mimi's mother was standing looking pale and dead. Her sixteen year old daughter ran away on her own into a dangerous world. Her eyes showed that she was a lifeless shell.

I passed the letter to them and they read it. Both their cheeks stained with tears. How could she leave all of us. How could she leave those who loved her so much?

I did that to her. It's all my fault.

Zed came running to me,
hugging me in a brotherly way. The rest of the gang came and stood by us. All of us were too shaken. What will we do no What will i do now?

I howled out in pain. The sun was setting. And the sky was darkening and it started to rain. It felt like even nature was in agony.

My mind flashed to when we were kids.

10 years ago....

"Ray I'm sad."

"No don't cry Mimi"

"'re going away...and you won't be my friend anymore" Mimi looked into my eyes while crying.

Her little nose was red and her cheeks were stained with tears.

"That's not true!"


"Yea we'll always be the bestest friends!"

"You promise?" She raised her little pinky towards my face.

I brought my pinky to hers. Our fingers hooked onto each other and our thumbs met.

"I promise." I smiled at her.

End of flashback.

My pack howled back in response. Feeling the pain of their Alpha and begging for the return of their luna. Where are you Naomi? I promised i will always be here but you were the one that left me.....

Okay.. so there you go folks the last chapter. It's a short one. Do not worry !!! There is a sequel obviously since i sorta left the story hanging. I feel that this is a good closure chapter. I will leave a short notes on the details of the sequel! So keep expecting updates in this book ! Xoxo

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