A Little Less Conversation

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Jacob Pov

Another morning. I wake up feeling overpowered. My adrenaline running. Surrounded by the sweet smell of cinnamon. A little Glade air freshmen in the corner of my room. Throwing the covers I stretch my body out. Hearing the cracks of my back and arms.

Taking a well needed shower the water rushing down my face. The cold water felt good due to the heat beaming outside. I get dress in a red polo and black jeans. Fluffing my hair in the mirro I turn on the TV to MTV hits.

"Aw shit." I grabbed my brush and began to use it as a mic.

"Here we go its Jacob." I did a Michael Jackson spin and began to bob my head to the beats.

"Baby does he do it for you. And when he's finish does it sit back and adore you." I sang my little heart out.

Hearing the interrupting ring of my phone I sigh and pick it up.

"Hellur!" I said like a ghetto white girl ito the phone.

"Jay?" I hear Josphine laugh on the other side of the phone.

"Hey baby." I said lowering the TV. Throwing the TV remote on the bed I collapse right beside it.

"Watchu doing today I'm off work." I said cheerily into the phone. She sighed. Not a good sign

"Work." She groaned. "We need the same day off days UHG i hate this." I said frustrated. She cooed into the phone.

"Look it'll be cool babes Im working late tonight okay? So no lunch date today maybe tomorrow." She said softly into the phone.

"Alright..see you Jay." I said into the phone sadly.

"See you Jacob." And she hung up with that.

"Uhgggg." I looked at the time 10am.

Chres bad ass can't be up he too lazy. I could try tho.

Dialing his number i laid back down on the bed. I listened to a few rings as I stared blankly at the wall.

"yo?" he said into the phone making me jump.

"you up early? Okay who you got over at your house?" i said surpirsed. He laughed hard at me.

"nobody I'm at the car auto shop getting baby blue fixed." I could here the roaring of other cars in the background.

"Damn hey um you think you can hit up the coffee shop I'm bored as fuck." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Nah man but later we could take baby blue for a ride to drop dead lake?" He said loudly over the auto noise.

"Chres we ain't kids no more man." I said into the phone.

"Well sorry I'm not tryna grow old and be a sophisticated bitch like you I'm only 21." he said annoyed obviously.

"come up with something seeious to do man." i said irritated i had absolutely nothing to do today.

"Basketball?" he said reassuring. i thought a while.

"alright." I said defeated. I heard him as he sighed.

"Finally the Sophisticated bitch says yes!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes. I knew Chres since 2nd grade. We went through college together but he was so immature he dropped out his 2nd year. Now he works on cars at the auto shop. He could've been so much more. If he'd just stay focus but hey not my life.

"Anyways Imma be out tho basketball at 1pm" he said.  

for breakfast at the Lil store near my house. I slipped on my vans and made my way out the door.

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